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Cheri Bustos' Public Statements on Issue: Infrastructure

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Date Title
02/04/2022 Letter to Joseph Parsons, President & CEO of Iowa Interstate Railroad, Omer Osman, Secretary of Illinois Department of Transportation - Duckworth, Durbin, Bustos Urge Idot and Iais to Finalize Agreement to Begin Construction on Quad Cities Passenger Rail Project
01/24/2022 WHAT THEY'RE SAYING: Stakeholders React to $829 Million Investment in Upper Mississippi River Locks and Dams
11/15/2021 Bustos Statement Following White House Infrastructure Bill Signing Ceremony
04/06/2021 Rep. Delgado Reintroduces Legislation to Rebuild Rural Communities
03/17/2021 McKinley, Veasy Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Support Carbon Capture Infrastructure
12/29/2020 116th Congress in Review: Bustos Delivers Historic Accomplishments in Unprecedented Term
12/18/2020 Gao Issues Report Evaluating Effectiveness of "Move Over" Laws to Protect First Responders in Response to Push from Duckworth, Durbin, Fischer & Bustos
12/08/2020 Bustos Helps Pass Key Bipartisan Legislation to Strengthen Inland Waterways
07/24/2020 Bustos Helps Pass $259.5 Billion Four-Bill Minibus Package
06/11/2020 Bustos Announces Nearly $2 Million in Federal Funding in Response to COVID-19
06/05/2020 Bustos Announces Nearly $9 Million for Rock Island Mass Transit in Response to COVID-19
07/24/2019 GAO to Evaluate Effectiveness of "Move Over" Laws to Protect First Responders Following Push from Bustos, Duckworth, Durbin & Fischer
09/26/2018 House Passes FAA Bill With Several Provisions Congresswoman Bustos Included
09/13/2018 Bustos Helps Pass Bipartisan Bill to Fund Veterans Affairs, Military Construction, Energy and Water Development, and the Legislative Branch
06/07/2018 Congresswoman Bustos Statement on the Passage of The Water Resources Development Act
05/24/2018 Congresswoman Bustos' Amendment Included in the Water Resources Development Act of 2018
12/20/2017 Esty Introduces Bill to Create FAA Women in Aviation Advisory Board
10/05/2017 Bustos Meets With White House to Discuss Infrastructure Development
08/21/2017 Durbin, Bustos: Federal Investment In Rockford Airport Is Creating Jobs And Growing Local Economy
06/28/2017 Bustos Amendments Included in FAA Reauthorization
06/22/2017 Bustos Secures Commitment from Trump Administration to Work with Illinois to Complete Quad-City-to-Chicago Passenger Rail
06/13/2017 Graves Introduces FLIGHT Act in the House
05/03/2017 Davis, Bustos Bill to Bring Fairness to Disaster Declarations Passes House, Heads to Senate
12/21/2016 2016 YEAR IN REVIEW: Bustos Delivers Real Results, Fights for Illinois' Working Families and Emerges as Key Leader Among House Democrats
11/18/2016 Representatives Rush and Bustos Introduce Safe Drinking Water Act

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