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Brad Wenstrup's Public Statements

Date Title
11/07/2022 Democrats' Inflation Reduction Act Kills $18 Billion Per Year in Cancer Cures
07/04/2020 Cincinnati Enquirer - On This Day, We Must Remember What Unites Us
06/30/2020 RealClear Defense. - Diversifying Supply Chains Is a National Security Priority
06/14/2020 The Washington Examiner - For Flag Day, let's live up to our republic's values
05/25/2020 Cincinnati Enquirer - For Some Vets, Ultimate Sacrifice Comes Later
03/17/2020 Fox News - 10 GOP Doctors Caucus members: Coronavirus will be defeated -- here's how Americans, together, will do it
01/07/2020 The Washington Examiner - Rep. Brad Wenstrup: Make North America Great Again
01/07/2020 Real Clear Markets - Trump's USMCA Would Make America Great Again
12/26/2019 The Cincinnati Inquirer - Opinion: The one thing America needs this Christmas
11/13/2019 Washington Examiner - Reps. Brad Wenstrup and Chris Stewart: What the public needs to know before public impeachment hearings begin
11/06/2019 The Highland County Press - The stories that we tell
07/20/2019 Fox News - Here's What We Saw On Our Trip to the Border and Our Major Takeaways
03/13/2019 Daily Signal - Born Alive… Sentenced to Death?
10/02/2018 Washington Examiner - Rep. Brad Wenstrup: Tax Reform 2.0 Is Like a Regular Check-Up for Our Healthy Economy
05/24/2018 The Washington Times - A Return to Statesmanship
09/09/2013 Cincinnati Enquirer - WENSTRUP: Military Objectives Must be Clearly Outlined, Attainable
05/06/2013 - Provide for the Common Defense National Security in the 21st Century