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Tom Cotton's Public Statements on Issue: Immigration

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Date Title
12/02/2021 Blackburn, Tillis, Colleagues Introduce Legislation to Prevent Settlement Payments for Illegal Immigrants
12/02/2021 Boozman, Cotton Join Bill to Thwart Biden Administration's Plan to Give Illegal Immigrants Taxpayer-Funded Payments
11/03/2021 Cassidy, Daines Lead Effort to Block Biden Administration from Paying Illegal Immigrants $450K
11/03/2021 Boozman, Cotton Seek to Block Taxpayer Funded Settlement Payments to Illegal Immigrants
04/28/2021 Cotton Statement on President Biden's Joint Session Address
04/02/2020 Cotton Applauds H-2B Visa Hold
03/05/2020 Cotton Statement on Increasing Seasonal Worker Cap
02/14/2020 Sens. Cramer, Rubio, Cotton, Blackburn, Cruz Introduce FDIC Act to Combat Banks' Political Attacks on Federal Contractors
02/12/2020 Cotton, Blackburn, Colleagues Introduce Bicameral Bill to Stop Greenlighting Driver Licenses for Illegal Immigrants
02/12/2020 Blackburn Leads Bicameral Move to Stop Greenlighting Driver Licenses for Illegal Immigrants
02/10/2020 Cotton Statement on DOJ Sanctuary Cities Lawsuits
01/27/2020 Cotton Statement on SCOTUS Granting "Public Charge' Emergency Request
01/23/2020 Cotton Statement on New "Birth Tourism' Rule
01/16/2020 Cotton, Colleagues Seek Reform of H-2B Visa Program
11/15/2019 Cotton, Colleagues Introduce Keep Our Communities Safe Act
10/30/2019 Sens. Tillis & Grassley, Reps. Bishop, Budd & Hudson Lead Bill To Stop Sanctuary Cities
10/30/2019 Rep. Ted Budd, Introduces Immigration Detainer Enforcement Act Alongside Sens. Tillis & Grassley, and Reps. Bishop & Hudson
08/12/2019 Cotton Applauds Changes to "Public Charge' Immigration Rule
07/24/2019 Cotton Statement on Reform of EB-5 Investor Visa Program
05/23/2019 Cassidy, Colleagues Introduce Bill to End Dangerous Sanctuary City Policies
04/10/2019 Congressman Rooney and Senator Cotton introduce RAISE Act to fix our broken visa and immigration system
04/10/2019 Senators Perdue, Cotton, Hawley Re-Introduce the Reforming American Immigration for a Strong Economy Act
03/14/2019 Cotton, Johnson, Ernst Introduce Legislation to Combat Child Marriage Immigration Loophole
02/28/2019 Cotton, Colleagues Introduce Singh's Law
02/26/2019 Cotton, Boozman Introduce National, Mandatory E-Verify Legislation

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