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Ted Cruz's Public Statements on Issue: Guns


On The Ballot: Running, Republican for U.S. Senate (TX) - Jr

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Date Title
10/12/2021 Lummis, Senators, Introduce Bill to Protect Second Amendment Rights on Federal Land
09/09/2021 Sen. Cruz Issues Statement on President Biden Withdrawing His Nomination of David Chipman for ATF Director
06/24/2021 Sen. Cruz Issues Statement in Opposition to ATF Nominee David Chipman
08/31/2020 Sen. Cruz Issues Statement Marking One Year Since the Midland-Odessa Shooting
09/11/2019 Sen. Cruz on Grassley-Cruz legislation: "We could pass these reforms right now and make our country safer'
09/10/2019 Sen. Cruz on productive meeting with Alyssa Milano and Fred Guttenberg: I will continue leading the fight to stop mass shootings and protect the second amendment rights of law-abiding Americans
08/31/2019 Sen. Cruz issues statement on Midland-Odessa shooting
08/08/2019 Sen. Cruz in El Paso: 'In the Face of Horrible Evil, Texans Come Together'
08/04/2019 Sen. Cruz: "There Is No Place For This Evil'
08/03/2019 Sen. Cruz Issues Statement on El Paso Shooting
05/16/2019 Sens. Cruz, Grassley Reintroduce Bill to Protect Second Amendment Rights, Improve Firearm Background Check System, Combat Gun Crime
05/14/2019 Sens. Cruz, Jones Introduce Bipartisan School Security Enhancement Act
04/26/2019 Sen. Cruz Applauds President Trump's Announcement Removing United States From Arms Trade Treaty
01/24/2019 Sen. Lee Reintroduces Silencers Helping Us Save Hearing Act
01/10/2019 Sens. Cruz, Cornyn File Concealed-Carry Reciprocity Bill
05/18/2018 Sen. Cruz Issues Statement on Shooting at Santa Fe High School
06/27/2017 Sen. Cruz Cosponsors the Protecting the Second Amendment Act
04/28/2017 Sen. Cruz: The Men and Women of the NRA Gave Congress and This Administration a Mandate to Restore Our Country
02/25/2017 Sen. Cruz Addresses Texas State Rifle Association Annual Meeting
02/13/2016 Cruz: Today Our Nation Mourns The Loss Of One Of The Greatest Justices In History
12/22/2015 CRUZ: As president, I'll defend the Second Amendment rights of Americans
08/28/2013 Sen. Cruz Statement on Hasan Sentencing
08/23/2013 Sen. Cruz Statement on Hasan Guilty Verdict
08/09/2013 Cruz: Durbin Letter "Represents an Inappropriate Governmental Intrusion"

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