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Ted Cruz's Public Statements on Issue: Science


On The Ballot: Running, Republican for U.S. Senate (TX) - Jr

Date Title
12/13/2019 Sen. Cruz Addresses Second Baptist Students, Participates in Q&A with NASA Astronaut Christina Koch
11/13/2019 Bipartisan Cruz, Sinema, Wicker, Cantwell NASA Authorization Act of 2019 Unanimously Passed by Senate Commerce Committee
11/06/2019 Commerce Leaders Introduce the NASA Authorization Act of 2019
11/06/2019 Commerce Leaders Introduce the NASA Authorization Act of 2019
11/05/2019 Sen. Cruz: To Maintain U.S. Leadership in Space, We Must Inspire the Future Workforce
02/12/2019 Sen. Cruz Praises Defense Intelligence Agency's Report Supporting the Need for Space Force
07/26/2018 Sens. Cruz, Nelson, Markey Introduce Space Frontier Act
03/06/2018 Peters, Colleagues Introduce Bipartisan Bill Supporting U.S.-Israel Space Cooperation
05/25/2017 Sen. Cruz: There is a Bipartisan Commitment to Space Exploration
05/23/2017 Sen. Cruz: While the Future Appears Bright, the U.S. Cannot Afford to Become Complacent in the Emerging Space Race
05/16/2017 Sen. Cruz: 'America Should Be the Unquestioned Leader in Space'
04/10/2017 Sen. Cruz: America's Leadership in Space Begins in Texas
03/22/2017 Sen. Cruz: 'We Now Have the Chance to Think Bigger and Bolder'
03/21/2017 Statement on President Trump Signing NASA Transition Authorization Act of 2017 into Law
03/21/2017 Remarks by the President at Signing of S.442, National Aeronautics and Space Administration Transition Authorization Act of 2017
09/16/2016 Commerce Committee Senators Introduce The NASA Transition Authorization Act of 2016
08/12/2016 Sen. Cruz Addresses Economic Opportunity and Healthcare with Texas Industry Leaders
01/14/2015 Sen. Cruz: Focus NASA on Its Core Mission: Exploring Space, and More of It
07/30/2013 The Senate Must Not Sacrifice Funding for NASA's Core Mission to Continue Expanding Climate Change Funding