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Ted Cruz's Public Statements on Issue: Women


On The Ballot: Running, Republican for U.S. Senate (TX) - Jr

Date Title
03/06/2020 Sens. Cruz, Rubio, Menendez, Colleagues Introduce Bipartisan Resolution Honoring Las Damas de Blanco
10/01/2019 Sens. Cruz, Braun, Colleagues Introduce Bill To Ensure Dignified Burial for Aborted Fetal Remains
01/18/2019 Sen. Cruz Op-Ed in the Daily Signal: We Will Never Surrender On Life
01/18/2019 Sen. Cruz: We March for the Unborn of Our Generation
01/29/2018 Sen. Cruz Issues Statement on Senate Democrats' Filibuster of the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act
01/27/2017 Cruz News: Ensuring Greater Promise, Opportunity, and Protection of Our Future Generations
07/14/2016 Sen. Cruz Continues Fighting NDAA Provision to Draft Women into Combat
06/27/2016 Sen. Cruz Issues Statement on Supreme Court's Decision to Strike Down Texas HB 2 Provisions
03/02/2016 Loudermilk Petitions to Save Women and Children's Lives
02/07/2016 Cruz: It is "Immoral" to Draft Women into Cloae Combat in the Military
07/14/2015 Sen. Cruz: Congress Should Investigate and Defund Planned Parenthood
06/10/2015 Sen. Cruz: Texans Are Sojourners for Life
10/28/2014 Sen. Cruz: Zero Tolerance for Domestic Violence
07/15/2014 ICYMI: Sen. Cruz Calls S.1696 "Extreme Legislation'
06/30/2014 Sen. Cruz: Landmark Victory for Religious Liberty
06/26/2014 Another SCOTUS Loss for the Obama Administration
02/12/2013 Statement on Sen. Ted Cruz's Vote Regarding VAWA
01/25/2013 U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz Statement in Support of the 2013 March for Life
01/22/2013 Sen. Cruz Statement on 40th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade