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Ted Cruz's Public Statements on Issue: Legal


On The Ballot: Running, Republican for U.S. Senate (TX) - Jr

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Date Title
05/17/2016 Sen. Cruz Praises Passage of the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act
04/26/2016 Sen. Cruz Continues Fighting for Religious Liberty
04/04/2016 Sen. Cruz Joins Amicus Brief in Supreme Court Case Challenging Obama's Unconstitutional Executive Amnesty
03/02/2016 Loudermilk Petitions to Save Women and Children's Lives
11/06/2015 Letter to The Honorable Jeh Johnson, Secretary of Homeland Security - Immigration
10/26/2015 National Review - Ted Cruz Makes an Argument That Needs to Be Made Over and Over in 2016
09/03/2015 Cruz: I Call Upon Every Believer, Every Constitutionalist, Every Lover of Liberty to Stand with Kim Davis
07/28/2015 ICYMI: Sen. Cruz Calls on the U.S. Department of Justice to Enforce the Criminal Laws and Investigate Planned Parenthood
07/09/2015 Washington Times - Ted Cruz: 'It Makes Me Sad' to Call for Supreme Court Retention Elections
07/03/2015 Sen. Cruz Issues Statement on Indictment of Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton
06/27/2015 Blog: The 2016 Election: Referendum on Obamacare
06/13/2015 Blog: What Would the First 100 Days of a Cruz Administration Look Like?
06/12/2015 National Review - Ted Cruz Is Right x2
06/11/2015 Politico - Ted Cruz Fights GOP Approach on Obamacare Subsidies
04/23/2015 Sen. Cruz: Senate Should Not Confirm Loretta Lynch
02/24/2015 Politico - Stop Loretta Lynch
02/18/2015 Governor Abbott, Lt. Governor Patrick, Attorney General Paxton And Senator Cruz Address Executive Amnesty Ruling
01/09/2015 National Journal - Ted Cruz Has to Deal With Jury Duty, Just Like the Rest of Us
10/28/2014 Letter to Leon Kengo Wa Dondo, President of the Senate of the DRC, and Aubin Minaku, Speaker of the National Assembly of the DRC - Urging Action on Adoption Reform
08/12/2014 Breitbart - Ted Cruz Interview at the Family Leadership Summit
07/22/2014 Sen. Cruz: Halbig Decision is a 'Repudiation of Obamacare and All the Lawlessness that Comes with It'
07/10/2014 US Finance Post - Ted Cruz Claims that Harry Reid is Obama's 'Enabler'
07/01/2014 National Review Online - Obama's 20 Unanimous Supreme Court Losses Outpace Bush and Clinton
07/01/2014 Sen. Cruz Releases Fifth Legal Limit Report about the Obama Administration's Attempts to Expand Federal Power
06/26/2014 SCOTUS Unanimously Strikes Down Obama's Executive Overreach for the 12th Time Since January 2012

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