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Steve Daines' Public Statements on Issue: Women

Date Title
01/20/2023 Daines to Introduce Bills Protecting Unborn Children, Vulnerable Mothers
09/29/2021 Capito, Colleagues Introduce Legislation to Advance W-GDP Initiative
09/28/2021 Hagerty, Colleagues Introduce Legislation to Advance W-GDP Initiative
08/06/2021 Sen. Lee, Colleagues Introduce "Don't Draft Our Daughters" Resolution
07/21/2021 Reps. Roy and Miller team up with Sen. Daines to defund colleges that help students perform DIY abortions
04/22/2021 Sen. Blackburn Introduces the Woman's Right to Know Act
09/27/2019 Inhofe Joins Bill to Ensure Dignified Burial for Aborted Fetal Remains
03/07/2019 Daines Honors Native Women in Montana, Across the Nation
02/18/2019 Daines Introduces Bipartisan Fairness for Breastfeeding Mothers Act
05/22/2018 Senators Blunt, Lankford, Ernst, Daines Applaud HHS Proposal To Redirect Title X FundingSenators Blunt, Lankford, Ernst, Daines Applaud HHS Proposal To Redirect Title X Funding
02/08/2018 Daines Calls for Investigation into the U.S. Olympic Committee & USA Gymnastics
01/16/2018 Daines Files Amicus Brief Defending Freedom of Speech, Affirming Life
01/30/2017 Daines Introduces Measures to Protect Life
01/23/2017 Trump Heeds Daines Call: Reinstates Mexico City Policy
06/28/2016 Montana Congressional Delegation Introduces Resolution to Designate National Day of Awareness for Missing and Murdered Native Women and Girls
05/12/2016 Daines' Bill to Allow Women World War II Pilots Inurnment at Arlington Heads to President Obama's Desk
04/28/2016 Daines Stands Up for Montana Veterans, WWII Women Airforce Service Pilots & VA Accountability
08/03/2015 Daines: Fight to Defend Life, Protect Women's Health Care Services Is Not Over
07/29/2015 Daines Helps Introduce Legislation to Defund Planned Parenthood, Safeguard Women's Health Funding
07/28/2015 Senators Introduce Legislation to Defund Planned Parenthood, Safeguard Women's Health Funding
07/22/2015 Daines Joins 49 Fellow Senators in Raising Concerns with Planned Parenthood Practices, Urging HHS Secretary to Comply with Investigations, Conduct Assessment to Facilitate Congressional Review
09/13/2014 Daines Statement on 20th Anniversary of the Violence Against Women Act
07/24/2014 Daines Works to Combat Human Trafficking
02/28/2013 Daines Votes in Support of Violence Against Women Act