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Steve Daines' Public Statements on Issue: Federal, State and Local Relations

Date Title
04/21/2021 Wyden, Paul and Bipartisan Members of Congress Introduce The Fourth Amendment Is Not For Sale Act
04/12/2021 Daines to Introduce Bill to Prevent Taxpayer Funded Handouts for Illegal Immigrants
04/02/2021 Daines Announces Over $12 Million for Rural Montana Counties
03/15/2021 Daines, Colleagues Introduce Legislation to Reverse Ban on State Tax Cuts in $1.9T Package
03/10/2021 Daines Introduces Bills to Support Montana Rural Counties
07/09/2020 Daines: We Must Ban Funding for Cities, States that Allow Anarchy in the Streets
05/29/2020 Daines Successfully Secures Recommendation from Treasury: States Should Send Coronavirus Relief to Local, Rural Communities
06/10/2019 Daines: Montanans Don't Want DC Bureaucrats Telling Them What's Best for their Students
06/05/2019 Daines Secures Nearly $1 Million in EPA Funding for Montana Brownfields Sites
06/05/2019 Daines, Bipartisan Senate Colleagues Team Up to Protect Job Corps from Closure
04/07/2017 Daines Introduces Bill to Protect Local Governments From Abandoned Federal Buildings
03/07/2017 Daines: Restore Montana Commonsense to Land Management
02/16/2017 Tester, Daines Reintroduce Bipartisan Firefighter Cancer Registry Act
01/06/2017 26 Senators Introduce Bill to Reform Monument Designation Process
07/01/2016 Daines: Sage Grouse Can't Tell The Difference Between Private, Federal and State Land
03/18/2015 Tester, Daines Push Little Shell Recognition Bill Through Committee
05/22/2014 Daines Introduces Legislation to Allow State Management of Sage Grouse Conservation
05/07/2014 Daines Calls for Greater Flexibility for Montana Rural Electric Co-ops
12/04/2013 Daines Parks Funding Bill Moves Through Committee Without Opposition