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Ted Yoho's Public Statements on Issue: Executive Branch

Date Title
05/15/2020 Yoho Statement on Executive Order to Combat COVID-19
02/04/2020 Yoho Statement on the State of the Union
12/18/2019 Yoho Votes No on Articles of Impeachment
12/16/2019 Nadler Still Refusing to Grant House Judiciary Republicans a Minority Hearing
10/21/2019 Yoho Statement on House Vote to Censure Chairman Adam Schiff
09/25/2019 Yoho Statement on Democrats Call for a Formal Impeachment Inquiry
05/18/2017 Yoho Statement on Appointment of Robert Mueller as Special Counsel for Russia Investigation
04/25/2017 Yoho Applauds Confirmation of Secretary Perdue
03/28/2017 Yoho Statement on Energy Executive Order
02/01/2017 Rep. Yoho Statement on Confirmation of Secretary of State Tillerson
01/31/2017 Yoho Statement on President's Immigration Executive Order
03/17/2016 Yoho Votes To Defend Article One Powers Of The Constitution
02/09/2016 Yoho Responds to President Obama's Budget Proposal
02/02/2016 Yoho Votes to Override President Obama's Veto on Obamacare Repeal
01/13/2016 Yoho Introduces Resolution of Censure and Condemnation of President Obama and His Misguided Record on Foreign Policy
01/06/2016 Yoho Statement on President's Executive Action to Restrict 2nd Amendment
12/01/2015 Yoho Votes to Stop Obama's Overreaching EPA
12/01/2015 Yoho Reminds President That He Can't Make Climate Deal Without Congressional Approval
11/20/2015 Yoho Bill Will Stop Obama's GITMO Overreach
10/30/2015 Yoho Statement on Obama's Syria Announcement
12/04/2014 Yoho Immigration Bill To Prevent Executive Amnesty Passes House
11/20/2014 Stopping the President's Executive Amnesty
07/30/2014 Congress Votes to Hold President Accountable
07/23/2014 Crenshaw Applauds DC Court of Appeals Ruling on ObamaCare Subsidies