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Carlos Curbelo's Public Statements on Issue: National Security

Date Title
09/27/2017 Panetta, Curbelo Introduce Flood Resiliency Legislation
09/11/2017 Curbelo Urges Colleagues to Pass Long-Term, Robust Funding of FEMA
09/08/2017 Curbelo Commends Colleagues for Swift Funding of Initial Hurricane Irma Disaster Relief, Extension of Flood Insurance Program
09/07/2017 ICYMI: From South Florida, Curbelo Urges Congressional Colleagues to Approve FEMA Funding Ahead of Hurricane Irma
08/15/2017 Curbelo: Executive Order Rolling Back Flood Risk Management Is Irresponsible, Would Waste Taxpayer Dollars
07/18/2017 Curbelo: With Sea Level Rise a Concern, Flood Insurance Re-Authorization Must Account for South Florida's Needs
07/14/2017 Curbelo Secures South Florida Priorities in Defense Spending Bill
10/06/2016 Rep. Curbelo, We Ask FEMA for Expeditious Approval of Our Emergency Declaration Request
09/29/2016 Zika Bill Signed into Law
07/16/2016 Another Curbelo Bill Signed into Law, Reforming Air Traffic Controller Hiring
04/26/2016 Rep. Curbelo Visits Guantanamo Bay Naval Base
02/23/2016 Rep. Curbelo Calls Guantanamo Bay Closure Dangerous
01/13/2016 Rep. Curbelo's Response to the State of the Union
11/19/2015 Rep. Curbelo Votes for American SAFE Act
11/16/2015 Curbelo on Syrian Refugee Crisis
07/28/2015 Rep. Curbelo Congratulates Law Enforcement for Preventing Terrorist Plot
07/14/2015 Rep. Curbelo on Iran Agreement
07/10/2015 Rep. Curbelo on Resignation of OPM Director
02/27/2015 Rep. Curbelo's Statement on Funding the Department of Homeland Security Through March 6, 2015
09/11/2014 Curbelo: "We Will Never Forget the Victims, First-responders, and the Resilience of the American Nation."