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Rick Nolan's Public Statements on Issue: Infrastructure

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Date Title
09/27/2018 Nolan Amendments to Boost Airline Passenger Rights and Fully Fund Small Community Air Service Development Program Passes As Part of FAA Reauthorization
11/16/2017 Nolan Introduces Legislation Requiring Airlines to Provide Travelers With a One-Page Consumer "Bill of Rights"
05/25/2017 Shea-Porter, Congressional Progressive Caucus Unveil Principles for Infrastructure and Bold Proposal to Create Millions of Jobs
01/24/2017 Nolan Applauds Trump's Support for American-made Pipelines, Reintroduces American Pipeline Jobs & Safety Act
01/09/2017 Nolan Applauds Forest Service Completion of Land Exchange Record of Decision for PolyMet Project
09/28/2016 Nolan Votes for Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) of 2016
09/21/2016 Nolan Passes Bill to Reduce FAA Waste, Save Taxpayers Money
09/12/2016 Klobuchar, Franken, Nolan Announce Nearly $375,000 for Railroad Crossing Safety in Duluth
07/21/2016 Following Efforts from Minnesota Delegation, Department of Transportation To Grant Nonstop Service Between Tokyo's Haneda Airport and Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport
07/12/2016 Nolan Applauds FAA Funding Extension, Pushes for Long-Term Funding Bill
06/16/2016 After Effort from Klobuchar, Franken, Peterson, McCollum, Nolan, Paulsen, and Emmer, Department of Transportation Approves New Direct Flights from Minnesota to Cuba
06/15/2016 House Passes Nolan Defense Amendments Promoting Lung Cancer Research
05/26/2016 Nolan Applauds Addition of His Six Amendments & Policy Priorities to Water Resources Bill
02/10/2016 Nolan Applauds Passage of Safe Drinking Water Act Improved Compliance Awareness Act
12/08/2015 Nolan Praises Today's Signing of Landmark Transportation Bill
09/23/2015 Klobuchar, Franken, Nolan Announce Over $6.3 Million for Transit in Duluth
08/05/2015 Nolan Introduces Sweeping New Rural Broadband Initiative
07/16/2015 Nolan Pushes for Long-Term Transportation Funding, Emphasizes Late Chairman Oberstar's Dedication to Issue
07/14/2015 FOX 21 - Chisholm Post Office to be Renamed After Late Congressman
06/25/2015 Nolan Urges Immediate Action to Save Highway Trust Fund Before July 31st Expiration
05/27/2015 WDIO - Leaders Break Ground on $17.7M Port of Duluth Intermodal Project
05/19/2015 Klobuchar, Franken, Nolan Announce Nearly $3 Million to Improve Infrastructure at Cook County-Grand Marais Airport
04/28/2015 Rep. Nolan, Governor Dayton, MNDOT Commissioner Zelle, State Sen. Bakk and State Rep. Dill Announce Action to Address Ranier Rail Crossing Needs
04/09/2015 Rep. Nolan Visits Bug O Nay Ge Shig School with Reps. Kline and Rokita, Sees Urgent Need for Replacement
04/08/2015 The Post Review - Nolan Talks Transportation, Taxes, Wars at North Branch Rotary Meeting

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