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Mary Bono Mack's Public Statements

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Date Title
05/16/2012 Politico - GOP: Real Party of U.S. Women
05/16/2012 Letter to Max Baucus, Chairman of Senate Finance Committee and Chuck Grassley, Senate Committee on Finance
05/09/2012 Hearing of the House Energy and Commerce Committee - Prescription Drug Abuse
05/04/2012 Letter to Attorney General Holder and Secretary Sebelius
05/02/2012 Bono Mack Says Western Environmental Must Take 'All Necessary Steps' to Safeguard Public's Health
05/01/2012 Bono Mack Says Utilities Must Regularly Update Contingency Plans to Prevent Major Blackout
05/01/2012 Bono Mack Applauds Facebook's Efforts to Raise Awareness of Importance of Donating Organs
04/27/2012 Energy and Commerce Leaders Investigate Whether EPA Official's Enforcement "Philosophy" to "Crucify" American Energy Companies Resulted in Abuse of Public Trust
04/26/2012 Bono Mack Supports Bipartisan Cybersecurity Bill to Safeguard America Against Terrorist Attacks
04/26/2012 Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act
04/25/2012 Bono Mack Says New Survey on Prescription Drug Abuse Confirms Problem, Although "Misleading' as to Causes
04/19/2012 Bono Mack Urges Commerce Secretary to Make Manufacturing, Creating New Jobs a Top Priority
04/19/2012 Commerce, Manufacturing, and Trade Subcommittee Discusses Ways to Revive American Manufacturing Jobs
04/19/2012 Hearing of the Commerce, Manufacturing and Trade Subcommittee of the House Energy and Commerce Committee - "Where the Jobs Are: Can American Manufacturing Thrive Again?"
04/18/2012 Bono Mack Blasts GSA for Wasting Taxpayer Money on Junkets in Las Vegas, Palm Springs
04/13/2012 Bono Mack Attending Summit of Americas; Raises Concerns About Escalating Violence in Drug Wars
04/11/2012 Bono Mack Calls for Action at National Prescription Drug Abuse Summit
03/30/2012 Bono Mack Says New Data Breach Highlights Need for Legislation to Protect U.S. Consumers
03/29/2012 Hearing of the Commerce, Manufacturing, and Trade Subcommittee of the House Energy and Commerce Committee - Balancing Privacy and Innovation: Does the President's Proposal Tip the Scale?
03/29/2012 Commerce, Manufacturing, and Trade Subcommittee Discusses President's Privacy Proposal
03/29/2012 Bono Mack Urges FTC, NTIA to Work Closely with Industry to Develop Privacy Safeguards
03/27/2012 Bono Mack-Blackburn Cybersecurity Legislation Facilitates Critical Information Sharing
03/23/2012 Bono Mack Says DOD Plans to Cut Number of Military Flights into PSP
03/21/2012 Bono Mack Hails Tribal Leader Richard Milanovich as "Great Leader and Dear Friend'
03/08/2012 Letter to Mr. Steve Cooley, District Attorney of the County of Los Angeles - Bono Mack Applauds Los Angeles County DA for Cracking Down on Prescription Drug Abuse

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