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Adriano Espaillat's Public Statements on Issue: Civil Liberties and Civil Rights


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (NY) - District 13

Date Title
07/22/2022 Representative Adriano Espaillat Votes to Protect Marriage Equality Amid Right-Wing Threats
07/12/2022 Members of the Latino Jewish Caucus Condemn Antisemitic Attack on Jewish Community in Massachusetts
12/23/2021 Rep. Adriano Espaillat Introduces Resolution Honoring Fight Against Slavery in the Americas
12/21/2021 Espaillat Bill Implemented by Biden Administration to Now Require ICE Agents to Wear Body Cameras While on Duty
11/18/2021 Representative Adriano Espaillat Introduces Gladys Ricart Resolution
06/14/2021 Levin, Chu Reintroduce Legislation Giving Same-Sex Couples Fair Treatment Under Tax Law
07/31/2020 Espaillat Secures Key Funding Increases, Policy Wins in House Funding Bills
06/08/2020 Why I Am Supporting the House Resolution Condemning Police Brutality
06/01/2020 In the Wake of COVID-19 and Murder of George Floyd, Congresswoman Barbara Lee Calls for Formation of Truth, Racial Healing, and Transformation Commission
02/13/2019 Rep. Adriano Espaillat Introduces Congressional Resolution in Recognition of Black History Month
10/29/2018 Rep. Adriano Espaillat Calls for Unity Following Week of Domestic Violence and Hate
10/23/2018 NYC Reps and CMs Call for CFPB Anti-Discrimination Official's Dismissal
04/27/2018 Congressman Adriano Espaillat Recognizes National Minority Health Month
02/15/2017 Schumer, Gillibrand, Nadler, Meeks, Clarke, Jeffries & Espaillat Introduce Bi- Cemeral Legislation To Establish African Burial Ground Museum In New York City