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Seth Moulton's Public Statements


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (MA) - District 6

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Date Title
06/04/2020 Moulton Demands Answers from Treasury on Stimulus Debit Cards
05/28/2020 House Passes Fix for Paycheck Protection Program
05/26/2020 Moulton Announces $4.3 Million Head Start Grant for Lynn Economic Opportunity, Inc.
05/21/2020 Moulton Partners with Key House Subcommittee Chairwomen to Introduce Bill Aimed at Slowing the Spread of Covid-19 in Nursing Homes
05/21/2020 Reps. Dean, Eshoo, Schakowsky, Shalala, and Moulton Introduce Bill to Slow the Spread of COVID-19 in Nursing Homes
05/21/2020 Massachusetts Public Housing Authorities Awarded Nearly $5 Million in Funding to Provide Rental Assistance for People with Disabilities
05/18/2020 Federal CARES Act Grants Awarded To Massachusetts State And Regional Transit Agencies
05/15/2020 Massachusetts Health Centers Awarded Nearly $16 Million In Federal Funding For COVID-19 Testing
05/14/2020 Moulton Rolls out National High-Speed Rail Plan
05/14/2020 Federal CARES Act Grants Awarded to Massachusetts State and Regional Transit Agencies
05/14/2020 Rep. Lynch And MA Congressional Delegation Announce Over $59 Million AmeriCorps Funding For Commonwealth
05/12/2020 Moulton Policies to Make 988 the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, Help Nonprofits Included in Latest Relief Bill
05/08/2020 Senators Markey and Warren, and Reps. Moulton and Keating React to $28 Million in Fisheries Disaster Aid for Massachusetts
05/07/2020 Massachusetts Awarded Nearly $4 Million In Emergency Food And Shelter Assistance Under CARES Act
05/06/2020 McGovern Announces Massachusetts Awarded Nearly $4 Million in Emergency Food and Shelter Assistance Under CARES Act
04/29/2020 Massachusetts Medicare Providers Awarded Additional $163 Million in CARES Act Relief
03/27/2020 Fitzpatrick and Moulton Introduce the Save Organizations that Serve America Act to Include Charitable Nonprofits in Economic Relief
02/28/2020 Moulton Warns Administration About Misinformation on Coronavirus, Asks Cdc for Update on Test Kits and Preparations, and Emails Entire Constituency with Information to Stay Informed
02/06/2020 Congressman Lowenthal Introduces Bill To Protect Federal Lands In Utah As Wilderness
01/28/2020 In Wake of Harvard, BU Arrests, Moulton Will Introduce Legislation to Help America Better Detect Foreign Agents
01/28/2020 Save Minor League Baseball Task Force Co-Chairs Trahan, McKinley, Rose, and Simpson Lead Introduction of Congressional Resolution Supporting Minor League Baseball
10/23/2019 Westerman Introduces Bipartisan Dyslexia Awareness Month Resolution
07/26/2019 Congresswoman Gwen Moore Introduces Legislation to Give Students a Second Chance
06/19/2019 Reps. Shalala, Houlahan, Cisneros and Moulton Introduce Bill to Protect Veterans' Education Benefits from Predatory For-Profits
06/04/2019 Moulton, McMorris Rodgers Introduce CAPABILITY Act

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