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Debbie Dingell's Public Statements on Issue: Economy and Fiscal


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (MI) - District 6

Date Title
08/12/2022 Dingell Votes to Lower Costs, Combat the Climate Crisis, Reduce the Deficit, Create Jobs
07/21/2022 Reps. Dingell, Maloney, Ross Introduce the Fashioning Accountability and Building Real Institutional Change (FABRIC) Act
04/11/2022 Rep. Demings Appointed to Economic Competitiveness Conference
04/07/2022 As Conference Nears, Support Builds for Bipartisan Supply Chain Provisions in House-Passed America COMPETES Act
03/25/2022 Dingell Tours Henry Ford Wyandotte Hospital, Highlights Nearly $1 Million Federal Investment in Patient Care
02/04/2022 Dingell Votes to Keep America Competitive and Strengthen Supply Chains
01/24/2022 Dingell Delivers State of the District Address to Downriver Business Community
08/30/2021 Reps. Connolly, Lee, Pressley, Bush, Gomez, Ocasio-Cortez and Colleagues Call on Congress to Act on Eviction Moratorium
07/30/2021 Doyle Introduces Bipartisan Bill To Strengthen Domestic Battery Manufacturing Supply Chain
07/22/2021 Dingell Announces $2.4 Million for Ann Arbor SPARK to Expand Broadband Infrastructure
06/15/2021 Slotkin Leads Major, Bipartisan Package to Overhaul National Stockpile, Make More Critical Supplies In U.S.
02/05/2021 Rep. Lee Joins Dingell, Markey in Reintroducing THRIVE Resolution to Build Back Economy Following Coronavirus Pandemic
09/14/2020 Wyden, Merkley Join Democratic Colleagues, Grassroots Coalition in Announcing Economic Renewal Agenda
06/30/2020 House Passes Clean Energy and Sustainability Accelerator
05/28/2020 Dingell, House Takes Action to Help Michigan Workers & Small Businesses - House Passed Legislation Strengthens Paycheck Protection Program, Provides Continued Relief to Small Businesses in Michigan
05/12/2020 Dingell-led Priorities Included in House Heroes Act for Coronavirus Response - Provisions Cover Water Shut-offs, Home and Community Based Care for Seniors & People with Disabilities, Help to Pay COBRA Health Care Coverage, Strengthening Domestic Manufacturing, Strong Workplace Safety Standards, Domestic Violence Support, and Help for Local Media
07/18/2019 Dingell Votes to Pass Raise the Wage Act, Increasing Pay for Up to 33 Million American Workers
07/17/2019 Dingell Votes to Repeal Cadillac Tax on Health Plans
06/11/2019 Butch Lewis Act to Protect Pensions Clear Key Hurdle
03/27/2019 House Passes Paycheck Fairness Act to Raise Women's Wages in Michigan, Across the Country
09/05/2018 Representatives DeSaulnier, Pocan, Norcross, and Dingell Issue "Future of Work, Wages, and Labor" Reponorcrort and Legislative Action Plan
09/13/2017 Dingell Named Co-Chair of House Democrats' Jobs for America Task Force to Create Aggressive Jobs, Economic Agenda
08/16/2017 Dingell joins UAW-Ford TTC Leaders to Tour and Discuss Joint Apprentice Program, Highlights "A Better Deal" Agenda
09/29/2015 Dingell, Miller Introduce Resolution Establishing National Manufacturing Day