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Elise Stefanik's Public Statements on Issue: Higher Education


On The Ballot: Running, Conservative, Republican for U.S. House (NY) - District 21

Date Title
03/05/2024 Stefanik Statement on Harvard’s Malfeasance
02/16/2024 Stefanik Statement on E&W Serving Harvard a Subpoena
01/02/2024 Statement on Long Overdue Resignation of Harvard President
12/12/2023 Stefanik, Moskowitz, Scalise, & Gottheimer Introduce Bipartisan Resolution Condemning Antisemitism on University Campuses and Committee Testimony from Penn, Harvard, & MIT Presidents
06/30/2023 Stefanik Releases Statement on SCOTUS's Ruling that Biden Student Loan Bailout is Unconstitutional
06/29/2023 Stefanik Releases Statement on SCOTUS's Ruling that Race-Based Admissions is Unconstitutional
04/22/2020 Smucker Announces Introduction of the Equity in Student Loan Relief Act
04/10/2020 Stefanik Introduces COVID-19 Graduate Relief Act With Bipartisan Colleagues
05/15/2019 Rep. Susie Lee Helps Introduce Bipartisan, Bicameral Bill to Increase Opportunities and Prepare Workforce for Modern Cyber Industry
05/15/2019 Rep. Fudge Co-Introduces Legislation to Increase Community College Access and Affordability
03/14/2019 Mitchell, Krishnamoorthi, Stefanik, Harder Introduce Bipartisan College Transparency Act
02/07/2019 Stefanik Cosponsors the Employer Participation in Repayment Act
12/13/2017 Stefanik and Colleagues Markup Prosper Act
09/15/2017 Stefanik Applauds Bipartisan Senate Perkins Loan Legislation
07/20/2017 Langevin Leads Bipartisan Group of Lawmakers to Introduce the STEM to STEAM Act of 2017
07/11/2016 House Passes Bipartisan Higher Education Initiatives
06/09/2016 Stefanik Introduces the Helping Employers Lessen Payments for Students Act
04/12/2016 Stefanik Chairs Millennial Task Force Hearing on College Completion and Affordability
10/08/2015 Stefanik Applauds SUNY Adirondack 2020 Challenge Grant
07/15/2015 Rep. Stefanik Applauds Department of Education Awards for NY-21 Colleges and Universities
06/19/2015 Congressman Lamborn and Allies Fight to Stop Israeli Academic Boycotts
02/25/2015 Congresswoman Stefanik Votes to Help Families Save for Higher Education
02/13/2015 Stefanik Statement on 30th Anniversary of 10th Mountain Division at Fort Drum