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Elise Stefanik's Public Statements on Issue: Infrastructure


On The Ballot: Running, Conservative, Republican for U.S. House (NY) - District 21

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Date Title
03/27/2024 Stefanik Secures $5 Million in Funding to Update the New York Air National Guard’s Arctic Aircraft
01/11/2024 Stefanik Statement on the Passage of Resolution Overturning Biden's Pro-Communist China Waiver
11/07/2023 Stefanik Demands Answers from Secretary Buttigieg Over Conversion of Nation's Airports Into Housing for Illegal Immigrants
09/14/2023 Stefanik Supports Joyce Bill, The Preserving Choice in Vehicle Purchases Act, Passes on the House Floor
07/20/2023 Stefanik Bipartisan Bill Supporting Plattsburgh Airport Included in FAA Reauthorization, Passes House of Representatives
04/27/2023 Stefanik Introduces Bill to Support Plattsburgh International Airport Border Airport Enhancement Act Also Supports Hiring of CBP Agents
09/20/2021 Stefanik Slams Extension of Northern Border Travel Restrictions
09/03/2021 Stefanik Announces Grant to Support Broadband in the North Country
08/20/2021 Stefanik Announces $2 Million Grant for Adirondack Regional Airport
08/20/2021 Stefanik Announces Award for Piseco Airport
08/19/2021 Stefanik Announces Grant for Plattsburgh International Airport
08/06/2021 Stefanik Calls On U.S. Postmaster General to Find Solution for Wells Post Office
07/09/2021 Stefanik Announces $285,600 Economic Development Administration Grant for Johnsburg
03/30/2021 Stefanik Announces $765,000 for Plattsburgh International Airport
03/03/2021 Stefanik, Cartwright Introduce Legislation to Promote Native Plant Species, Senators Collins, Cantwell Lead in Senate
03/01/2021 Stefanik Announces Skywest to Continue Essential Air Service Into Ogdensburg
01/14/2021 Congresswoman Stefanik Announces Transportation Safety and Infrastructure Grant for Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe
02/20/2020 Stefanik Cosponsors the Stop for School Buses Act
02/06/2020 Stefanik Opposes New York State Law Causing Suspension of Global Entry, Trusted Traveler Programs for New York Residents
01/08/2020 Stefanik Helps House Pass the Secure 5G and Beyond Act
05/22/2019 Stefanik Cosponsors the Miranda Vargas School Bus Driver Red Flag Act
01/23/2019 Stefanik Cosponsors the Pay Our TSA Screeners Act of 2019
09/26/2018 Five Year FAA, EAS Reauthorization Passes House
04/27/2018 House Passes FAA, EAS Reauthorization with Stefanik Initiatives Included
09/29/2017 Rosen, Stefanik Introduce Bipartisan Bill to Help Secure the Electric Grid and Protect Military Readiness

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