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Rick Perry's Public Statements

Date Title
07/25/2017 Cleveland - Time to Discard the Burdens and Costs of Obamacare
07/20/2015 National Review - On Military Service and on Border Security, Trump Offers Only Hot Air
08/17/2014 Politico Magazine - America's New Mission in Iraq
07/11/2014 Isolationist Policies Make the Threat of Terrorism Even Greater
06/09/2014 OC Register - Rick Perry: Texas a Haven for Those Seeking Freedom
01/29/2014 Dallas News - Why I Spoke in Davos, Switzerland
01/05/2012 Red State - Stop Insider Trading Dead in its Tracks
12/09/2011 - Time to Get Serious About Insider Trading in Washington
11/21/2011 The Washington Times - Perry: Eric Holder Must Go
11/08/2011 CNBC - Fixing Washington Requires a Sledgehammer
11/03/2011 The Washington Times - When I am President …
10/11/2011 Union Leader - We Must Remove Energy Production Obstacles to Create Jobs
09/25/2011 Tea Party Brew - Cleaning Up Washington's Mess
09/16/2011 The Wall Street Journal - The U.S. Must Support Israel At the U.N.
09/12/2011 USA Today - I am Going to be Honest With the American People
08/25/2011 USA Today - Job Creators Pick Texas
07/14/2011 The Washington Post - Break the Spend-and-Borrow Cycle
12/09/2010 Health Reform Report - States Need Freedom to Solve Healthcare Challenges
04/08/2010 Op-Ed: Health Care Fight Isn't Over
12/02/2008 The Wall Street Journal - Governors Against State Bailouts
07/24/2008 Making Higher Education Accessible, Affordable to All Texans
07/02/2008 Our Support Should Not End With Our Soldiers' Return
05/27/2008 Federal Ethanol Mandate Hurts Texans
05/19/2008 Extensive Challenges Call For Visionary Solutions
04/23/2008 It's Time for Texans to Pursue a Healthier Lifestyle