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John Cornyn's Public Statements on Issue: Defense

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Date Title
09/14/2022 Cornyn, King Introduce Bill to Identify Military Modernization Best Practices
09/09/2022 Cornyn, Peters Introduce Bill to Support Army Modernization Efforts & Army Futures Command
09/08/2022 Cornyn, Shaheen Lead Bill to Quickly Replenish U.S. Defense Stockpiles After Providing Aid to Allies like Ukraine
09/08/2022 Rubio, Colleagues Introduce Bill to Quickly Replenish U.S. Defense Stockpiles
06/10/2022 Rubio, Cornyn Introduce Protecting Our Servicemembers Through Proven Methods Act
12/15/2021 What the Defense Bill Means for Texas
09/03/2021 Cornyn Meets with Afghan Visa Recipients in Houston
07/13/2021 Cornyn Files Legislation to Strengthen Cross-Border Trade, Guard Against Terrorism
06/16/2021 Cornyn, Padilla Introduce Bill to Speed Up Immigration Process for Afghan Interpreters Who Assisted US Forces
05/28/2021 Lankford, Cornyn, T. Scott, and Former Secretary of State Stress Need for US Sanctions on Iran As Biden Renegotiates Iran Nuclear Deal
05/20/2021 Cortez Masto, Cornyn Introduce Bipartisan Legislation To Improve Access To High-quality Food On Military Bases
07/23/2020 What the Defense Bill Means for Texas
06/23/2020 Feinstein, Cornyn Introduce Bill to Investigate Military Aviators' Risk of Cancer
01/09/2020 Sen. John Cornyn Says Strike on Iran's Qasem Soleimani Was 'Authorized and Necessary'
10/02/2019 Cornyn, Gen. Murray, Chancellor Sharp Announce New Army Futures Command, Texas A&M System Partnership
06/27/2019 NDAA Bill Passes Senate with Brown's Fentanyl & North Korea Sanctions
05/02/2018 Sens. Cruz, Cornyn, Rep. Arrington Praise Air Force Nomination of Dyess to Host B-21 Bomber
09/19/2017 Cornyn Amendment Targeting Iranian Airline Linked to Terrorism Passes in NDAA
09/19/2017 Cornyn Measure to Protect Military Airspace from Radar Interference Caused by Wind Turbines Passes Senate
05/04/2017 Government Funding Bill Includes Key Texas Priorities
03/29/2017 Cornyn, Cardin Lead Bipartisan Group to Affirm Strategic U.S.-Mexico Partnership in Resolution
11/09/2016 Cornyn Statement on the Presidential Election
09/23/2014 Cornyn Calls for New Authorization of Force Following Airstrikes in Syria
03/03/2014 Senators Cornyn, Risch and Rubio: Gottemoeller Nomination Should Not Move Forward

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