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John Cornyn's Public Statements on Issue: Government Operations

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12/31/2018 Tweet - "So what is their solution to what they call "a 21st century problem?" "Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (NY), the incoming Democratic caucus chairman, said on ABC that Ds will not help fund an "ineffective, Medieval border wall that is a 5th century solution to a 21st century problem.""
12/28/2018 Tweet - "So what is their brilliant strategy to get 60 votes in Senate and POTUS signature/veto override?Dems' New Year's resolution: Stiff Trump on the wall and reopen the government"
12/23/2018 Tweet - ""If you want to open the government, you must abandon the wall," Schumer said on the Senate floor yesterday. I know POTUS said he would own it originally, but now this is looking like Schumer/Pelosi own it by refusing to negotiate in good faith. I think they actually like it."
12/22/2018 Tweet - "POTUS signed 6 Cornyn-sponsored bills into law yesterday: Abolish Human Trafficking Act, Cybertipline Modernization Act, Port of Entry Threat Assessment and Op Review Act, Pleasanton Post Office, Encinal Post Office, and, of course, First Step Act."
12/19/2018 Tweet - "The Senate today confirmed Joseph Maguire to be the director of the National Counterterrorism Center at the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. The retired Navy vice admiral has served as president of the Special Operations Warrior Foundation"
12/11/2018 Tweet - "Today @senorrinhatch presides over his final @gopsenfinance hearing. Under his leadership, we've accomplished the first tax reform in three decades, a 10-year CHIP extension, and many important trade bills vital for the Texas economy. You will be greatly missed, Chairman Hatch."
11/19/2018 Tweet - "Judge George P. Kazen is a stalwart of the Laredo community and has spent decades as a U.S. District Judge for the Southern District of Texas. I authored legislation with @repcuellar to rename the federal courthouse in Laredo in his honor."
11/11/2018 Tweet - "I don't believe this for a minute. Regardless, confirming a highly qualified nominee in the face of unsubstantiated allegations was the right thing to do: The Kavanaugh confirmation hurt Republicans during the midterm elections: Chuck Schumer"
11/06/2018 Tweet - "U.S. law enforcement and intelligence agencies announced last night on the eve of midterm voting they had no indication of attempts to disrupt election infrastructure @JustSecurity"
11/06/2018 Tweet - "Every Democratic Senator in a red state who voted against Judge Kavanaugh has so far lost their election."
10/19/2018 Tweet - "Early voting In Texas is huge. iIn 2016, for instance, 73.5 percent of the total votes cast were cast before Election Day. In 2012, the presidential election year before that, 63 percent of the voters cast their ballots before Election Day rolled around"
10/12/2018 Tweet - "Senate Democrats must want to get out of Washington to campaign. That's the best explanation for Minority Leader Chuck Schumer's decision to agree on Thursday to let 15 more judicial nominees move for a confirmation vote."
10/10/2018 Tweet - "Kavanaugh's Opening Statement Is the Defining Speech of Our Time"
10/08/2018 Tweet - "If anyone thinks threats, intimidation and bullying will work, they clearly don't know her: Susan Collins unbowed: Under guard, she stands by her Kavanaugh vote"
10/08/2018 Tweet - "No, rather than a celebratory toast, how Senate Ds treated Dr. Ford and Judge Kavanaugh and his family was unspeakably cruel and was a dissevice to all victims of sexual assault. Evidently, the orchestrated campaign to tar anyone who supported this nomination continues. Shameful"
10/07/2018 Tweet - "How do you think the #BrettKavanaugh confirmation process will compare to that of POTUS's next appointment to SCOTUS?"
10/06/2018 Tweet - "Rollcall: 101 people were arrested at the Capitol, many paid and orchestrated to intimidate Senators and their staff."
10/06/2018 Tweet - "Ds weaponized the confirmation process starting with Bork. Only way to go is up, as I agree with Senator Collins the Senate has hit rock bottom."
10/05/2018 Tweet - "Senator Collins speech one of the most important of our time. Reminds me that none of the other virtues mean much without courage. And she showed great courage"
10/05/2018 Tweet - "All started with ambush of Dr. Ford and Judge Kavanugh when allegations were hidden from FBI and Senate Judiciary Committee investigators until after the first hearing then leaked to press"
10/05/2018 Tweet - "THREE HUNDRED AND TWO people were arrested on Capitol Hill yesterday for "unlawfully demonstrating" in Senate office buildings."
10/04/2018 Tweet - "TODAY, reporters are going to stake out the room where senators are reading the report. As each Republican senator exits, they'll be asked about the contents of the FBI memo -- and whether it's going to affect their vote. This will likely go on all day. @playbookplus"
10/03/2018 Tweet - "Unfortunately Senator Feinstein declined to share Dr Ford's letter until after FBI had completed its background investigation, so this wasn't possible. …"
10/03/2018 Tweet - "This is a bad joke. At her request Dr Ford and Judge Kavanaugh were interviewed before 20 million Americans. This is solely for purposes of delay"
10/02/2018 Tweet - "If the FBI finds no corroboration of the charges, 60 percent believe that Kavanaugh should then be confirmed, according to a weekend Harvard CAPS/Harris poll of 1,330 registered voters @thehill"

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