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John Cornyn's Public Statements on Issue: Government Budget and Spending

Date Title
03/03/2021 Fort Worth Star-Telegram -
08/26/2020 Fort Worth Star-Telegram - Congress, UNT Health Science Center working to help rural Texas health care providers
07/31/2020 The Dallas Morning News - Congress Must Do More to Provide Critical COVID-19 Assistance and Financial Relief
04/14/2020 San Antonio Express News - Cornyn Op-Ed: More Funding Needed to Protect Paychecks in Pandemic
05/16/2016 San Antonio Express-News - Battle Zika Virus Without New Debt
12/28/2015 Fox News - Sen. John Cornyn: In 2015, New Senate Majority Delivered for the Nation
10/08/2014 Texas GOP Vote - Senator Cornyn on CBO Report: Nation is Drowning in Debt
09/17/2014 Fox News - Party of Ideas: A Republican Blueprint for Governing
08/08/2014 Austin American-Statesman - Cornyn: Millennials Have Been Hurt Most by Sluggish Economy
09/25/2013 Houston Chronicle - Cornyn: Bipartisan pressure is the best way to defeat Obamacare
02/25/2013 USA Today - Obama Needs to Take Charge on Debt Reduction
01/04/2013 Houston Chronicle - Obama Must Engage Congress
07/20/2012 The Dallas Morning News - John Cornyn: Yes, They Did Build That
11/16/2011 The Dallas Morning News - Washington Needs Balanced-Budget Amendment
12/01/2010 Dallas Morning News - Wisdom of a Balanced Budget Amendment
09/13/2010 Op-Ed - Power to the People - How to Balance the Budget
02/09/2010 Op-Ed: Houston Chronicle: NASA: Impact of a Scale-Back Goes Far Beyond Houston
04/02/2009 Austin American-Statesman - Sen. Cornyn: Why I'm Voting Against The Budget
03/16/2009 - Reckless Spending Priorities Pose Threat to Texas Taxpayers
04/12/2008 San Angelo Standard-Times - "Congress Needs Fiscal Discipline"
03/19/2008 Texas Times Weekly Column - Reality and the Federal Budget