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Richard Blumenthal's Public Statements on Issue: Technology and Communication

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Date Title
04/19/2018 Letter to the Hon. Maureen Ohlhausen, Acting Chairman, FTC - Stricter FTC Oversight of Facebook and Fines Over Possible Consent Decree Violations
04/18/2018 Letter to the Hon. Ajit Pai, Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission - Menendez, Booker Call on FCC to Establish Protections for Consumers from Unwanted, Harassing Robocalls
04/17/2018 Letter to Mark Zuckerberg, Chief Executive Officer of Facebook - Cortez Masto, Colleagues Call on Facebook to Address Discriminatory Advertising
04/12/2018 Letter to the Hon. Ajit Pai, Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission - Udall, Cantwell Lead Colleagues in Call for FCC to Investigate Sinclair Broadcasting for News Distortion
04/03/2018 Letter to Zhou Yahui, Interim CEO of Grindr - How Do You Protect Users' Sensitive Information?
03/29/2018 Letter to Ajit Pai, Chairman of the Federal Communication Commission - Merkley, Senators Push Back on FCC Proposal to Cut Phone and Broadband Service From Struggling Americans
03/27/2018 Letter to the Honorable John Sullivan, Deputy Secretary of State - Commit to Countering Russia's Anti-Semitic "Information Warfare"
03/22/2018 Letter to Dr. Aleksandr Kogan, Psychologist at the University of Cambridge - Answers on Link Between Facebook & Cambridge Analytica
03/22/2018 Letter to Autonomous Vehicle Manufacturers - Use of Forced Arbitration Clauses
03/22/2018 Letter to Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook - Markey and Blumenthal Demand Answers from Facebook
03/14/2018 Letter to the Hon. John Thune, Chairman of the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation and the Hon. Gary Peters, Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation - Udall, Senators: Self-Driving Car Bill Needs Stronger Safety Measures, Consumer Protections
02/07/2018 Letter to the Hon. James Mattis, Secretary of Defense - Cotton, Blumenthal Call on DOD to Evaluate Security Risks of Fitness Trackers
01/31/2018 Letter to Maureen Ohlhausen, Acting Chairman of the Federal Trade Commission - FTC Investigation into Companies Selling False and Fraudulent Influence on Social Media
01/23/2018 Letter to Jack Dorsey, CEO of Twitter - Inform All Users Who Interacted with Russian Accounts Promoting #ReleaseTheMemo and #SchumerShutdown
01/05/2018 Letter to Makan Delrahim, Assistant Attorney General, Antitrust Division - Closely Scrutinize Proposed Sinclair-Tribune Merger
01/03/2018 Letter to Ajit Pai, Chairman, FCC - Closely Scrutinize Proposed Sinclair-Tribune Merger
12/14/2017 Letter to Mr. Craig Boundy, CEO, Experian North America - Fix System to Allow Consumers with Credit Freezes to Easily Sigh up for ACA Health Care Plan
12/14/2017 Letter to the Hon. Eric D. Hargan, Acting Secretary, HHS, and the Hon. Seema Verma, Administrator, CMS - Fix System to Allow Consumers with Credit Freezes to Easily Sigh Up for ACA Health Care Plan
12/13/2017 Letter to the Hon. Makan Delrahim, Antitrust Division, DOJ - Renewed Investigation of Comcast-NBCU Acquisition Ahead of Expiring Merger Conditions
12/13/2017 Letter to the Hon. Maureen Ohlhausen, FTC, and the Hon. Terrell McSweeny, FTC - Don't Let Grinch Bots Steal Christmas
12/12/2017 Letter to the Hon. Ajit Pai, Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission - Abandon Plan to Repeal Net Neutrality Rules
12/12/2017 Letter to the Hon. Ajit Pai, Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission - Citing Unknown Impacts on Students and Schools, Senators Murray and Cantwell Demand Delay of Net Neutrality Decision
12/08/2017 Letter to the Hon. Ajit Pai, Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission - Delay Vote on Net Neutrality
12/07/2017 Letter to Mark Zuckerberg, CEO - Query Facebook on Privacy, Security for New Children's App "Messenger Kids"
12/04/2017 Letter to Mr. Sundar Pichai, CEO, Google - Answer Questions About Covert Collection of User Location Data from Android Devices

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