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Richard Blumenthal's Public Statements on Issue: Executive Branch

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Date Title
05/14/2020 Nadler, Blumenthal Statement on Appeals Court Decision Allowing D.C. & Maryland Emoluments Lawsuit to Proceed
04/29/2020 Senators Markey and Blumenthal Call on Trump Administration to Require Face Masks for All Air Travel During Coronavirus Pandemic
10/22/2019 As Trump continues to flagrantly violate foreign emoluments clause, Nadler, Blumenthal & congressional plaintiffs' lawsuit moves forward
10/18/2019 Bicameral Legislation Introduced Blocking Trump's Doral Corruption
10/17/2019 Blumenthal on G7 Summit at Trump Resort: Our Founding Fathers Are Rolling Over in Their Graves
09/24/2019 Blumenthal Calls For a House Select Committee to Begin Impeachment Proceedings
07/11/2019 Cortez Masto, Blumenthal introduce legislation to prevent the president from abusing pardon powers
07/08/2019 First Judicial Subpoenas Served in Foreign Emoluments Clause Lawsuit Brought by Blumenthal, Nadler & 213 Other Members of Congress
06/26/2019 Blumenthal, Speier, Raskin & Desaulnier Introduce Legislation to Rein in Illegal Political Activity by Presidential Appointees
06/25/2019 In a Victory for The Constitution, Judge Rejects Delay & Orders Discovery in Blumenthal v. Trump, Lawsuit Brought by Blumenthal, Nadler & 213 Members of Congress
04/30/2019 Foreign Emoluments: Victory for the Constitution and Holding President Trump Accountable
03/28/2019 15 Coastal Senators to Oppose Interior Secretary Nomination
09/28/2018 Judge Clears Path for Blumentthal, Nadler and Nearly 200 Members of Congress to Hold President Trump Accountable to Constitution's Foreign Emoluments Clause
06/07/2018 Blumenthal-Nadler Statement on Oral Arguments in Congressional Suit to Hold President Trump Accountable to the Constitution
01/30/2018 Blumenthal Statement on State of the Union Address
01/29/2018 Blumenthal Statement on House Intelligence Committee Vote to Release Nunes Memo
01/29/2018 Blumenthal Statement on FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe
01/05/2018 Blumenthal Statement on Grassley-Graham Letter to DOJ
12/22/2017 Blumenthal-Nadler Statement on CREW v. Trump
12/05/2017 Blumenthal Statement on Special Counsel's Subpoena of Deutsche Bank Records
10/30/2017 Blumenthal Statement on Indictment of Trump Campaign Manager Paul Manafort
10/26/2017 Blumenthal Statement on Trump's Grossly Inadequate Opioid Emergency Declaration
10/17/2017 Blumenthal Statement on Federal Court Blocking - Again - Trump Muslim Travel Ban
10/12/2017 Blumenthal Denounces Trump's Executive Order Sabotaging the Affordable Care Act
07/19/2017 Blumenthal Statement on Supreme Court Ruling Protecting Close Relatives from Trump Muslim Ban

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