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Richard Blumenthal's Public Statements on Issue: Minors and Children

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Date Title
06/15/2022 Letter to Christi A. Grimm, Inspector General of U.S. Department of Health and Human Services - Blumenthal Calls on HHS Inspector General to Investigate Previously Unreported Infant Deaths as Part of FDA Review
05/23/2022 Letter to Robert Ford, Chair and CEO of Abbot Laboratories - King Seeking Relief for Maine Mothers Amid Formula Shortage
05/20/2022 Letter to Robert M. Califf, MD, Commissioner of the US Food and Drug Administration - Senator Baldwin, Democratic Colleagues To FDA Commissioner: Remove All Unauthorized E-Cigarettes From Market Immediately
05/18/2022 Letter to Joseph R. Biden, President of the United States - King Calls for National Strategy, Director to Address Baby Formula Shortage
05/13/2022 Letter to Mardi Mountford, President of the Infant Nutrition Council of America - Warner, Kaine, Colleagues Push Infant Formula Manufacturers to Address Shortages and Get Formula on Shelves
04/29/2022 Letter to Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Meta - Senators Markey, Blumenthal and Representatives Trahan, Castor Press Meta on Eating Disorder Content Targeting Kids and Teens on Instagram
04/06/2022 Letter to Joseph R. Biden, President of the United States - Senator Murray, Majority of Senate Democrats Urge Action to Address Child Care Crisis Through Reconciliation
03/31/2022 Letter to Wilmot Hastings, Jr and Ted Sarandos, Co-CEOs of Netflix - Senators Markey, Van Hollen & Blumenthal Push Netflix on Tobacco, Nicotine, and Vaping Imagery for Young People
03/24/2022 Letter to Honorable Anthony J. Blinken, Secretary - Congressman Aderholt Joins Congressional Coalition on Adoption Co-chairs in Letter to Secretary of State Blinken
03/03/2022 Letter to Chuck Schumer, Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell, Senate Minority Leader - Feinstein, Heinrich, Colleagues Urge Extension of USDA Support for School Meal Programs as Schools Transition Back to Normal Operations
11/30/2021 Letter to Hon. Alejandro Mayorkas, Secretary of Homeland Security - Padilla, Ross Lead 49 Colleagues in Urging DHS to Expand DACA Eligibility to Documented Dreamers
10/26/2021 Letter to Hon. Janet Woodcock, Acting Commissioner of the FDA - Ban Electric Shock Devices on Children and Adults with Disabilities
10/21/2021 Letter to Hon. Joe Biden, President of the United States; Hon. Nancy Pelosi, House Speaker; Hon. Charles Schumer, Senate Majority Leader - Childcare/Education in Build Back Better
08/06/2021 Letter to the Hon. Michael Regan, Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency and Michal Freedhoff, Assistant Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency - Velázquez, Blumenthal, Additional Members of Congress Call on EPA to Strip Chlorpyrifos from U.S. Agriculture & Food
08/05/2021 Letter to Hon. Charles Schumer, Majority Leader of the U.S. Senate - Booker Leads Senators in Urging Majority Leader Schumer to Include "Baby Bonds" in the Reconciliation Package
08/04/2021 Letter to the Hon. Mark Zuckerberg Chief Executive Officer of Facebook - Blackburn, Blumenthal Call on Facebook to Disclose Internal Research on Children's Mental Health
07/16/2021 Letter to Bernie Sanders Chairman of the Senate Budget Committee, John Yarmuth, Chairman of the House Budget Committee - Duckworth Leads Senate Colleagues In Calling For $15 Billion Investment In Reconciliation To Fix Substandard Military Childcare Facilities And Barracks
07/08/2021 Letter to the Hon. Patty Murray, Chair of the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health, and Human Services and Education, and the Hon. Roy Blunt, Ranking Member of the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health, and Human Services and Education - Rosen Leads Colleagues in Calls to Increase Funding for Mental Health, Telehealth, and Distance Learning Programs
05/19/2021 Letter to the Hon. Aysha Schomburg, Associate Commissioner of the Administration for Children and Families - King, Colleagues Urge Biden Administration to Prioritize Foster Youth in COVID-19 Recovery Efforts
04/05/2021 Letter to Mark Zuckerberg, Chief Executive Officer of Facebook - Rep. Castor, Senators Markey, Blumenthal, and Rep. Trahan Press Facebook on Plans to Develop Instagram for Children
03/01/2021 Letter to Honorable Chuck Schumer, Senate Majority Leader and Honorable Mitch McConnell, Senate Minority Leader - Murphy, Dems Urge Senate Leadership To Prioritize Behavioral Health Needs Of Children In Next Covid-19 Relief Package
03/01/2021 Letter to Hon. Chuck Schumer, Senate Majority Leader; and Hon. Mitch McConnell, Senate Minority Leader - Feinstein, Murphy, Colleagues Urge Senate Leadership to Prioritize Behavioral Health Needs of Children in Next COVID-19 Relief Package
03/01/2021 Letter to Honorable Chuck Schumer, Senate Majority Leader and Honorable Mitch Mc Connell, Senate Minority Leader - Duckworth Joins Murphy, Senate Democrats in Urging Senate Leadership to Prioritize Behavioral Health Needs of Children in Next Covid-19 Relief Package
12/16/2020 Letter to Assistant Secretary Lynn Johnson, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services - Brown, Warner Lead Colleagues in Urging Relief for Foster Youth Facing Unique Covid-19 Challenges
12/07/2020 Letter to Honorable Joshua Gordon, Director of National Institute of Mental Health - Brown Joins Colleagues in Encouraging National Institute of Mental Health to Prioritize Study of Mental Health of Children and Young Adults During Pandemic

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