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Richard Blumenthal's Public Statements on Issue: Infrastructure

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Date Title
10/24/2022 Blumenthal Announces Legislation to Prevent Frontover Child Deaths
09/27/2022 Blumenthal & Markey Statement on DOT's New Airline Fee Transparency Proposed Rule
09/15/2022 Blumenthal Statement on New NHTSA Frontover Data
08/15/2022 Padilla, Gillibrand, Blumenthal Push Takes Flight: Department of Transportation Takes Critical Steps to Hold Airlines Accountable
08/05/2022 Boozman Introduces Bipartisan Legislation to Increase Use of Drones to Inspect and Maintain Infrastructure Projects
08/04/2022 Senators Markey, Blumenthal, Cantwell Statement on Proposed Rule to Improve Consumer Protections for Travelers Seeking Airline Refunds
08/01/2022 Amid Sky-high Rate of Flight Cancellations, Senators Markey and Whitehouse Lead Bicameral Colleagues in Introducing Cash Refunds for Flight Cancellations Act to Protect Air Travelers' Rights
03/31/2022 Letter to Pete Buttigieg, Secretary of Transportation - Senator Gillibrand, Representative Cohen Call On Dot To Swiftly Execute Provisions In The Bipartisan Infrastructure Package To Address Preventable Deaths Caused By Underride Crashes
12/17/2021 Connecticut Leaders Announce First Round of Infrastructure Funding for Airports Across the State
12/17/2021 Murphy, Blumenthal Applaud Direct Metro-North Service from Connecticut to Penn Station
11/17/2021 Blumenthal, Democratic Colleagues Reintroduce Bill of Rights for Airline Passengers
10/27/2021 Blumenthal & Lamb Lead Introduction of Legislation to Restore Amtrak Riders' Legal Rights & Protections
09/09/2021 Ahead of 20th Anniversary of 9/11 Attacks, Senators Markey and Blumenthal Announce Legislation to Bolster Funding for Aviation Security
07/27/2021 Blumenthal & Schakowsky Lead Bicameral Road to Zero Resolution Calling for an End to Traffic Deaths
07/12/2021 Cantwell, Colleagues Applaud President Biden's Executive Order Directing the Department of Transportation to Enhance Aviation Consumer Protection
04/29/2021 Jayapal, Markey, and Lawmakers Introduce THRIVE Act
04/21/2021 Blumenthal & Markey Introduce Bill to Protect Against Keyless Car Carbon Monoxide & Rollaway Risks
03/30/2021 Senator Baldwin Joins Colleagues to Reintroduce Impact Aid Bill to Fund School Infrastructure Projects
03/29/2021 Hirono, Gillibrand, Smith, Colleagues Reintroduce Impact Aid Bill to Fund School Infrastructure Projects
03/26/2021 Blumenthal & Davis Introduce Bicameral Legislation to Provide Permanent Funding for Amtrak
02/08/2021 Blumenthal, Cantwell, Markey Introduce Legislation to Ensure Transportation Worker Safety Amid COVID-19 Pandemic
09/09/2020 Wyden, Merkley Join Legal Brief Challenging USPS Changes Ahead of 2020 Election
06/12/2020 Senators Markey, Cantwell, Baldwin, and Blumenthal Demand DOT Focus on Protecting Air Travelers, Not Undermining Consumer Rules
06/11/2020 Senators Markey and Blumenthal Demand NHTSA Proactively Address the Cyber Risks of Internet-Connected Cars
06/05/2020 Cantwell, Blumenthal, Markey Introduce Legislation to Ensure Transportation Worker Safety Amid COVID-19 Pandemic

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