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Richard Blumenthal's Public Statements on Issue: Legal

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Date Title
11/29/2022 Blumenthal, Casey & Scanlon Introduce Bill to Protect Consumers & Workers From Corporate Criminal Conduct
09/30/2022 Blumenthal Statement on Lawsuit Challenging Connecticut's Assault Weapons Ban
10/27/2021 Blumenthal & Lamb Lead Introduction of Legislation to Restore Amtrak Riders' Legal Rights & Protections
09/27/2021 Sens. Cruz, Blumenthal Announce Hearing on Toxic Conservatorships
06/24/2021 Jones, Raskin, Blumenthal, Booker, Wyden Introduce Landmark Legislation to Modernize Federal Civil Rights Law
06/22/2021 Rep. Schakowsky, Sens. Blumenthal & Booker Applaud Supreme Court Decision for NCAA Players
03/01/2021 Blumenthal Leads Introduction of Legislation Opening the Courthouse Doors to Consumers, Workers
02/28/2019 Reps. Nadler, Johnson, Cicilline, Scott & Sen. Blumenthal Introduce Legislation to Keep Courthouse Doors Open for Consumers, Workers
03/01/2018 Blumenthal, Murphy, Colleagues Introduce Bill to Provide Legal Representation for Minors Appearing in Immigration Court
10/05/2017 Sen. Markey Joins Blumenthal, Murphy & Schiff to Introduce Legislation to Give Gun Victims Their Day in Court and End Gun Industry's Liability Shield
08/03/2017 Blumenthal Introduces Bipartisan Legislation to Protect Special Counsel from Political Interference
02/09/2017 Following Muslim Ban Detentions, Senator Harris Introduces First Bill to Guarantee Access to Counsel at Border, Ports of Entry
01/18/2017 Blumenthal Grills Secretary of Commerce Nominee on Trump's Conflicts of Interest
01/12/2017 As DOJ Nears Takata Settlement, Blumenthal & Markey Call for Stiff Punishment Against Individual Takata Executives
01/10/2017 Blumenthal, Markey Statement on Volkswagen $3.4 Billion Criminal Penalty
12/16/2016 Senators Call for Investigation After Trump Transition Waves Off Reported Attempts to Discriminate Against Federal Employees
12/14/2016 Blumenthal, Shaheen Call on Top Intelligence Officials to Review Security Clearance Given Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn
12/13/2016 After Trump Delays Announcement on Business Plans, Blumenthal & Senate Democrats Call on President-Elect to Divest Holdings
12/08/2016 Blumenthal Urges Sessions to Respect Longstanding Precedent and Recuse Himself from Voting on His Own Nomination
12/07/2016 Blumenthal: Threat to Use Antitrust Enforcement to Silence News Coverage is Abhorrent
10/28/2016 Blumenthal Welcomes Final Rule to Expand Debt Relief for Students Defrauded & Deceived by Predatory For-Profit Schools
10/25/2016 Blumenthal, Markey Welcome Judge's Approval of VW Settlement
09/29/2016 Blumenthal: CMS Ruling Barring Arbitration Clauses Will Give Nursing Home Residents and Families the Opportunity to Seek Justice
09/28/2016 Blumenthal: Senate's Swift & Sound Action to Override JASTA Veto Will Give Victims of Terror Their Day in Court
09/06/2016 Blumenthal on Carlson Harassment Settlement: How Many More Victims are Suffering in Silence?

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