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Lamar Alexander's Public Statements on Issue: Oil and Gas

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Date Title
01/18/2012 Alexander: "No Excuse" for Rejecting Keystone XL Pipeline
12/05/2011 Encouraging Construction of Keystone XL Pipeline to Create Jobs and Find More North American Oil
11/30/2011 Alexander: Keystone Pipeline Could Bring 100,000 Jobs to "the Obama Economy"
06/14/2011 Alexander Votes for Sen. Coburn's Ethanol Amendment
05/27/2011 Weekley Column: Gasoline Prices
03/07/2011 Alexander: "Plugging in" New Nissan LEAF "Will Give Me the Patriotic Pleasure of Not Sending Money Overseas to People Trying to Blow Us Up"
10/05/2010 Nissan LEAF to be made in Smyrna
09/09/2010 Chattanooga Times Free Press - Alexander Says TVA Region Can 'Lead the Country' on Electric Vehicle Use
07/09/2010 President Obama Should Focus on Cleaning Up the Spill
07/07/2010 Johnson City Press - Alexander: Congress Hurting Job Creation
06/30/2010 Alexander: Unlimited Liability for Oil Spills Will Create More Dependence on Foreign Oil, Unsafe Tankers and Big Oil Companies
06/17/2010 Op-Ed - Charge Ahead Into an Electric Car Future
06/09/2010 Alexander: "Price-Anderson" Model of Nuclear Industry Liability a Good Model for Oil Industry Response to Spills
06/01/2010 Wall Street Journal Blog - Sen. Alexander on Oil Spill: "What Was President's Plan?'
05/27/2010 Alexander Response on President's Responsibility in Gulf
05/23/2010 Alexander: Mood Among Americans Is, "Throw the Rascals in Washington Out, And Democrats Are the Rascals by a Big Majority"
05/11/2010 Alexander Outlines Lessons Oil Regulators Could Learn From Nuclear Regulators
05/10/2010 Tennessean: Flooding Didn't Bring Whining/Looting or National News: Sen. Alexander Says
05/02/2010 Senator Alexander: "Instead of Suing Arizona, the President Ought to Work With the Governor and Secure the Border. That's his job. He's the Commander in Chief. It's a federal responsibility"
05/02/2010 NBC "Meet The Press" - Transcript
03/16/2009 Alexander Statement on President Obama's Speech on Credit Problems Facing Small Businesses
03/02/2009 Letter to Barack Obama, President of the United States - Expedite Offshore Oil and Gas Development
09/30/2008 Federal Railroad Safety Improvement Act of 2007
09/27/2008 Alexander, Cohen Cosponsor Legislation to Help Charities with High Gas Prices
09/26/2008 Alexander Votes Against $56 Billion in Unnecessary Spending and a Ban on Western Oil Exploration

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