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Lamar Alexander's Public Statements on Issue: Drugs

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Date Title
09/26/2019 Alexander: Senate Committee Approves Funding to Help Tennessee Fight the Opioid Crisis
09/18/2019 Alexander: Senate Should Pass Bill to Provide Fifth Consecutive Year of Record Funding for the Office of Science
12/11/2018 Chairman Alexander: Up to Half of Health Care Spending is Unnecessary
10/24/2018 President Trump Signs Alexander Bill to Fight Opioid Crisis
10/03/2018 Alexander: Senate Sends to President Opioids Legislation Called "Landmark" by Leader McConnell
10/03/2018 Alexander Bill to Help Tennesseans Fight Opioid Crisis is Headed to President's Desk
09/28/2018 Alexander: House Passes What Senate Leader McConnell Calls "Landmark" Opioids Legislation, 393 to 8
09/28/2018 Alexander: 5 Ways "Landmark" Opioids Bill will Help Tennesseans
09/26/2018 Alexander: Senate and House Reach Consensus on What Senate Leader McConnell Calls "Landmark" Opioids Legislation
09/17/2018 Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell Says "Opioid Crisis Response Act of 2018" is "Landmark Legislation"
09/14/2018 Alexander in Nashville: President Trump's Zero Tariff Trade Goal is Good for Tennessee Autoworkers
09/12/2018 Alexander: Senate to Vote Soon on "Landmark" Opioids Legislation
09/06/2018 Alexander: Senate Agrees to Vote Next Week on "The Opioid Crisis Response Act of 2018"
08/01/2018 Alexander: Senate Passes Bill to Support Tennessee Agriculture and Expand Rural Broadband
06/28/2018 Alexander: Senate on Track to Provide Fourth Straight Year of Record Funding for Biomedical Research at National Institutes of Health
06/12/2018 Alexander: FDA Taking Action to Remove Barriers to Lower Drug Prices
04/24/2018 Alexander: Senate Health Committee Unanimously Passes Bipartisan Bill to Take Next Step in Helping States Fight Opioid Crisis
04/17/2018 Sens. Alexander, Murray Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Address "Urgent Opioid Crisis"
04/05/2018 Alexander: Draft Legislation Will Help Address Urgent Opioid Crisis
04/04/2018 Committee Leaders Release Discussion Draft of Bipartisan Legislation to Address Urgent Opioid Crisis
03/26/2018 Alexander: Draft Legislation Would Require Dispensing Opioids in Short-Term Blister Packs, Help FDA Stop Illegal Fentanyl at Borders
03/22/2018 Alexander: Spending Bill Includes Billions to Help Fight Opioid Crisis
03/21/2018 Alexander: Spending Bill Includes Billions to Help Fight Opioid Crisis
02/20/2018 Alexander in Shelby County: This Spring, Congress Could Pass New Law to Lower Health Insurance Premiums
02/08/2018 House, Senate Health Committee Leaders Release Discussion Draft of FDA Animal Drug User Fees Reauthorization

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