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Lamar Alexander's Public Statements on Issue: Education

Date Title
03/03/2017 Lebanon Democrat - Fixing Education Regulation that Goes Against the Law
01/24/2017 The Medium - Senate Should Promptly Confirm Betsy DeVos
12/11/2015 The Tennessean - Law ends Common Core mandate, strengthens local control
10/26/2015 Time - Obama Should "Stop and Think' On Over-Testing Problem
07/08/2015 The Tennessean - Let's Fix No Child Left Behind, End Common Core Mandate
07/08/2015 Wall Street Journal - College Too Expensive? That's a Myth
07/07/2015 The Wall Street Journal: College Too Expensive? That's a Myth
07/06/2015 The Tennessean: Let's fix No Child Left Behind, end Common Core mandate
01/20/2015 USA Today - Sens. Alexander, Blunt & Sasse: Smart Aid for Collegians
01/08/2015 Knoxville News Sentinel - Lamar Alexander: Reduce Questions to Apply for Pell Grants
06/18/2014 The New York Times - An Answer on a Postcard
02/12/2014 National Review Online - 11 Million $2,100 "Scholarships for Kids': A Real Answer to Inequality
08/24/2013 Knoxville News Sentinel - Student Loan Bill Will Make Cost of Borrowing Easier and Cheaper
07/29/2013 Huffington Post - School Choice: Part of the Solution to Our Broken Education System
06/11/2013 National Review Online - Republicans Want to Free America from Federal Education Mandates
06/04/2013 New York Times - Playing Politics With Student Debt
05/16/2012 The Wall Street Journal - Time for a Medicaid-Education Grand Swap
03/30/2012 The Wall Street Journal - ObamaCare Will Punish State Budgets
02/05/2012 Education Week - NCLB Lessons
09/21/2010 Op-Ed - A Federal Impediment to Quicker Degrees
03/07/2010 Op-Ed: Why Make Government the Prime Source for Student Loans?
10/19/2009 Newsweek - The Three-Year Solution
09/27/2008 Tennessean - Fix Mortgage Problem, Then Blame