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Lamar Alexander's Public Statements on Issue: Labor Unions

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Date Title
05/24/2017 Isakson Reintroduces Legislation to Restore Traditional Workplace Election Rules
06/27/2016 Alexander: "Persuader" Rule Halted by District Court "Welcome News for American Workplaces"
09/09/2015 Legislation Will Roll Back Labor Decision that "Threatens to Steal the American Dream from Owners of the Nation's 780,000 Franchise Businesses and Millions of Contractors"
09/02/2015 Alexander: "Runaway Obama National Labor Relations Board" Threatens Employees As Well As Employers
06/30/2015 Alexander Statement on Labor Department's Proposed Overtime Rule Share on facebook More Sharing Services
06/25/2015 Alexander: Appropriations Committee Passes Legislation that Supports the National Institutes of Health, the Centers for Disease Control, and Our Nation's Students
05/14/2015 Alexander to NLRB Chair: Board Seems to be Moving to Undermine State Right-to-Work Laws
05/06/2015 Senate, House Committee Leaders Urge Passage of Legislation to End NLRB's Ambush Elections
05/05/2015 Senate Democrats Block Vote on Overriding Veto of Resolution to Stop Ambush Elections Rule
04/14/2015 Senate, House Leaders Continue Fight Against Ambush Union Elections
03/31/2015 House, Senate Leaders Denounce President's Veto of Joint Resolution to Stop NLRB Ambush Election Rule
03/31/2015 Senate, House Leaders Denounce President's Veto of Joint Resolution to Stop NLRB Ambush Election Rule
03/19/2015 Alexander Cosponsors Isakson Legislation to Reverse NLRB Decision to Allow Micro-Unions
03/19/2015 McConnell, Alexander, Enzi Praise House Passage of Resolution to Overturn NLRB Ambush Election Rule
03/04/2015 Senate Passes Resolution to Stop NLRB Ambush Election Rule
02/12/2015 Alexander Cosponsors Rubio Bill to Allow Employers to Give Unionized Employees Raises ?for Performance
02/12/2015 Alexander Cosponsors Rubio Bill to Allow Employers to Give Unionized Employees Raises for Performance
02/09/2015 Senate, House Leaders Introduce Resolution to Stop NLRB Ambush Election Rule
12/12/2014 McConnell, Alexander Statements on NLRB's Final "Ambush Election" Rule
09/16/2014 McConnell, Alexander Introduce Bill to Turn National Labor Relations Board from Advocate to Umpire
09/16/2014 Alexander Introduces "NLRB Reform Act" to Change the National Labor Relations Board from an Advocate to an Umpire
09/09/2014 Alexander: Obama Labor Board Nominee Has Caused "Mess of Confusion" for Tennessee Workers, Businesses
07/17/2014 Alexander Cosponsors Bill to Repeal Davis-Bacon Act, Save Taxpayers Billions Each Year
06/26/2014 Alexander on Supreme Court Ruling Obama Recess Appointments Unconstitutional
06/12/2014 Alexander: Democratic "Gag Rule" on Important Amendments Has Moved from Senate Floor to Committees

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