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Donald Trump's Public Statements on Issue: Veterans

On The Ballot: Running, Republican for President

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Date Title
10/31/2020 Tweet - "We invested $2.5 TRILLION in the Military and we saved the Philly Shipyard. We passed VA Choice and VA Accountability. Al-Baghdadi and Soleimani are DEAD. I withdrew from the disastrous Iran Nuclear Deal--and instead of endless war, we are forging PEACE in the Middle East!"
09/23/2020 Tweet - "I was honored to receive the Endorsement of the Bay of Pigs Veterans Association in 2016, and am honored once again to receive their Official Support and Endorsement in 2020. Thank you very much, I will never let you down!"
09/03/2020 Tweet - "I was never a big fan of John McCain, disagreed with him on many things including ridiculous endless wars and the lack of success he had in dealing with the VA and our great Vets, but the lowering of our Nations American Flags, and the first class funeral he was given by our...."
08/14/2020 Tweet - "Today, we honor the brave Native American/First Nations soldiers who served our Nation and played a vital role in America's victory in WWII. The Navajo Code was never broken and saved untold American lives. Our country will be forever grateful. Happy Navajo Code Talkers Day!"
03/29/2020 Tweet - "Happy National Vietnam War Veterans Day to all of our Vietnam era Veterans. You have earned our gratitude and thanks by your actions years ago and what you have done since returning home. The Nation thanks you and your families for your service and sacrifice. We love you!"
03/25/2020 Tweet - "Today is National #MedalofHonorDay. Join me in a #MomentofHonor to remember those who have earned our Nation's highest award for valor in combat. The Nation is eternally grateful to these patriots who so valiantly fought for America's values and the American way of life!"
12/20/2019 Tweet - "Last year I signed legislation that gives our Veterans CHOICE, through private providers, and at urgent care facilities! Today we fully funded this $10 billion a year effort that gets our brave Veterans care quickly, and close to home."
11/11/2019 Tweet - "Today, we come together as one Nation to salute the Veterans of the United States Armed Forces -- the greatest warriors ever to walk on the face of the Earth. Our Veterans risked everything for us. Now, it is our duty to serve and protect THEM every day of our lives!"
06/06/2019 Tweet - "To the men who sit behind me, and to the boys who rest in the field before me: your example will never grow old. Your legend will never tire, and your spirit - brave, unyielding, and true - will NEVER DIE! #DDay75thAnniversary"
06/06/2019 Tweet - "Today, we remember those who fell, and we honor all who fought, here in Normandy. They won back this ground for civilization. To more than 170 Veterans of the Second World War who join us today: You are among the very greatest Americans who will ever live! #DDay75thAnniversary"
06/05/2019 Tweet - "As we approach the 75th Anniversary of D-Day, we proudly commemorate those heroic and honorable patriots who gave their all for the cause of freedom during some of history's darkest hours. #DDay75"
04/24/2019 Tweet - "Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is correct, the VA is not broken, it is doing great. But that is only because of the Trump Administration. We got Veterans Choice & Accountability passed. "President Trump deserves a lot of credit." Dan Caldwell, Concerned Veterans of America"
04/12/2019 Tweet - "In New York State, Democrats blocked a Bill expanding College Tuition for Gold Star families after approving aid for illegal immigrants. No wonder so many people are leaving N.Y. Very Sad!"
03/29/2019 Tweet - "On this Vietnam War Veterans Day, we celebrate the brave Vietnam Veterans and all of America's Veterans. Thank you for your service to our great Nation!"
03/05/2019 Tweet - "Just a few moments ago, I signed an EO addressing one of our nation's most heartbreaking tragedies: VETERANS SUICIDE. To every Veteran--I want you to know that you have an entire nation of more than 300 million people behind you. You will NEVER be forgotten."
02/09/2019 Tweet - "It was great meeting some of our outstanding young military personnel who were wounded in both Syria and Afghanistan. Their wounds are deep but their spirit is sooo high. They will recoverer & be back very soon. America loves them. Walter Reed Hospital is AMAZING - Thank you all!"
01/15/2019 Tweet - "Just announced that Veterans unemployment has reached an 18 year low, really good news for our Vets and their families. Will soon be an all time low! Do you think the media will report on this and all of the other great economic news?"
12/30/2018 Tweet - "Veterans on President Trump's handling of Border Security - 62% Approval Rating. On being a strong leader - 59%. AP Poll. Thank you!"
11/15/2018 Tweet - "Last year, I signed the landmark VA Accountability Act to ensure those who mistreat our Veterans can be held fully accountable. Since my inauguration, we have removed more than 3,600 government employees who were not giving our Vets the care they deserve...."
06/06/2018 Tweet - "We must always protect those who protect us. Today, it was my great honor to sign the #VAMissionAct and to make Veterans Choice the permanent law of the land! "
05/17/2018 Tweet - "Congrats to the House for passing the VA MISSION Act yesterday. Without this funding our veterans will be forced to stand in never ending lines in order to receive care. Putting politics over our veterans care is UNACCEPTABLE -- Senate must vote yes on this bill by Memorial Day!"
05/16/2018 Tweet - "House votes today on Choice/MISSION Act. Who will stand with our Great Vets, caregivers, and Veterans Service Organizations? Must get Choice passed by Memorial Day!"
05/03/2018 Tweet - "This spring marks 4yrs since the Phoenix VA crisis. We won't forget what happened to our GREAT VETS. Choice is vital, but the program needs work & is running out of $. Congress must fix Choice Program by Memorial Day so VETS can get the care they deserve. I will sign immediately!"
03/28/2018 Tweet - "I am pleased to announce that I intend to nominate highly respected Admiral Ronny L. Jackson, MD, as the new Secretary of Veterans Affairs........In the interim, Hon. Robert Wilkie of DOD will serve as Acting Secretary. I am thankful for Dr. David Shulkin's service to our country and to our GREAT VETERANS!"
01/02/2018 Tweet - "We will not rest until all of America's GREAT VETERANS can receive the care they so richly deserve. Tremendous progress has been made in a short period of time. Keep up the great work @SecShulkin @DeptVetAffairs! "

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