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Donald Trump's Public Statements on Issue: Economy and Fiscal

On The Ballot: Running, Republican for President

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Date Title
02/16/2024 Statement from President Donald J. Trump on Crooked Joe Biden-directed New York AG Witch Hunt
12/27/2020 Statement from the President
12/14/2020 Executive Order on Increasing Economic and Geographic Mobility
06/05/2020 Statement by the President
04/24/2020 Bill Announcement
04/16/2020 President Donald J. Trump Convenes Members of Congress to Serve on the Opening Up America Again Congressional Group
04/15/2020 Remarks by President Trump, Vice President Pence, and Members of the Coronavirus Task Force in Press Briefing
04/14/2020 President Donald J. Trump Announces Great American Economic Revival Industry Groups
04/01/2020 Presidential Message on National Financial Capability Month, 2020

Remarks by President Trump Welcoming Team USA for the 2019 Special Olympics World Games
07/08/2019 Remarks by President Trump at a Dinner Hosted by the Secretary of the Treasury in Honor of the Amir of the State of Qatar
04/26/2019 Remarks by President Trump Before Marine One Departure
04/26/2019 Remarks by President Trump Before Air Force One Departure
03/20/2019 Remarks by President Trump at Lima Army Tank Plant
10/31/2018 Joint Statement with the House Ways and Means Committee Republicans Regarding Taxes
09/25/2018 Remarks by President Trump to the 73rd Session of the United Nations General Assembly | New York, NY
05/24/2018 Statement by President Donald J. Trump on S. 2155
03/30/2018 Presidential Message on National Financial Capability Month
03/08/2018 Statement from the President on International Women's Day
11/02/2017 Statement from the President on the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act
10/11/2017 Statement from President Donald J. Trump on International Day of the Girl
07/07/2017 President Donald J. Trump's Weekly Address
02/28/2017 Remarks by President Trump at Signing of H.R. 321 and H.R. 255
02/24/2017 Remarks by President Trump at the Conservative Political Action Conference
02/23/2017 Remarks by President Trump in Meeting with Manufacturing CEOs

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