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Donald Trump's Public Statements on Issue: Economy and Fiscal

On The Ballot: Running, Republican for President

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Date Title
03/13/2024 Twitter: IT’S OFFICIAL: President Donald J. Trump Has Eclipsed the Delegate Threshold to Officially Clinch the Republican Nomination for President of the United States.
11/27/2020 Tweet - "The restaurant business is being absolutely decimated. Congress should step up and help. Time is of the essence!"
11/03/2020 Tweet - "Get out & VOTE! Under my Administration, our ECONOMY is growing at the fastest rate EVER at 33.1%. Next year will be the GREATEST ECONOMIC YEAR in American History! Find your polling place below."
11/02/2020 Tweet - "My #AmericanDreamPlan is a promise to Hispanic Americans to fuel a thriving economy, provide education opportunity for all, preserve freedom, and support faith, family, and community!"
11/01/2020 Tweet - "Under my leadership, our ECONOMY is now growing at the fastest rate EVER recorded--33.1%! While foreign nations are in freefall, we are creating the world's greatest ECONOMIC POWERHOUSE! Get out and VOTE on November 3rd, so we can keep it going! #MAGA"
11/01/2020 Tweet - "Remember, Third Quarter GDP is the biggest in U.S. history, by far. Next year will be our best ever!"
10/31/2020 Tweet - "Our ECONOMY is now surging back faster, better, bigger and stronger than any nation on earth. We just had the best quarter of ECONOMIC GROWTH EVER recorded - a 33.1% increase, and next year will be the GREATEST ECONOMIC YEAR in the history of our Country!"
10/31/2020 Tweet - "Over the next 4 years, we will make America into the Manufacturing Superpower of the World & end our reliance on China. We will end surprise medical billing, require price transparency, lower drug prices even more, and we will always protect patients with pre-existing conditions!"
10/12/2020 Tweet - "The Economy is about ready to go through the roof. Stock Market ready to break ALL-TIME RECORD. 401k's incredible. New Jobs Record. Remember all of this when you VOTE. Sleepy Joe wants to quadruple your Taxes. Depression!!! Don't let it happen! #MAGA"
09/04/2020 Tweet - "Another day everyone thought would be impossible! Congratulations to @predsednikrs Vucic of Serbia and PM @Avdullah Hoti of Kosovo on committing to #EconomicNormalization! This is a major step forward..."
08/08/2020 Tweet - "Sleepy Joe Biden just agreed with the Radical Left Democrats to raise Taxes by Three Trillion Dollars. Everyone will pay - Will kill your Stocks, 401k's, and the ECONOMY. BIG CRASH! #MAGA"
07/23/2020 Tweet - "The Suburban Housewives of America must read this article. Biden will destroy your neighborhood and your American Dream. I will preserve it, and make it even better!"
07/13/2020 Tweet - "The Lamestream Media is not talking about what is happening with the Stock Market and JOBS. Both are doing GREAT! The Radical Left will destroy the USA. Be careful what you wish for!"
07/06/2020 Tweet - "BREAKING NEWS: The Mortality Rate for the China Virus in the U.S. is just about the LOWEST IN THE WORLD! Also, Deaths in the U.S. are way down, a tenfold decrease since the Pandemic height (and, our Economy is coming back strong!)."
06/16/2020 Tweet - "Yesterday was a BIG day for Justice in the USA. Congratulations to General Flynn, and many others. I do believe there is MUCH more to come! Dirty Cops and Crooked Politicians do not go well together!"
06/03/2020 Tweet - "I feel more and more confident that our economy is in the early stages of coming back very strong. Not everyone agrees with me, but I have little doubt. Watch for September, October, November. Next year will be one of the best ever, and look at the Stock Market NOW!"
05/13/2020 Tweet - "When the so-called "rich guys" speak negatively about the market, you must always remember that some are betting big against it, and make a lot of money if it goes down. Then they go positive, get big publicity, and make it going up. They get you both ways. Barely legal?"
05/01/2020 Tweet - "The Governor of Michigan should give a little, and put out the fire. These are very good people, but they are angry. They want their lives back again, safely! See them, talk to them, make a deal."
04/25/2020 Tweet - "Remember, the Cure can't be worse than the problem itself. Be careful, be safe, use common sense!"
04/22/2020 Tweet - "States are safely coming back. Our Country is starting to OPEN FOR BUSINESS again. Special care is, and always will be, given to our beloved seniors (except me!). Their lives will be better than ever...WE LOVE YOU ALL!"
04/19/2020 Tweet - ".@FoxNews "Dems say President Trump is trying to open the United States Economy too quickly", but, if I took even a little more time, they would loudly chant that I am moving too slowly. Just political talking points for them. For me it's about lives & the future of our Country!"
04/17/2020 Tweet - "Today people started losing their jobs because of Crazy Nancy Pelosi, Cryin' Chuck Schumer, and the Radical Left, Do Nothing Democrats, who should immediately come back to Washington and approve legislation to help families in America. End your ENDLESS VACATION!"
04/16/2020 Tweet - "Democrats are blocking additional funding for the popular Paycheck Protection Program. They are killing American small businesses. Stop playing politics Dems! Support Refilling PPP NOW -- it is out of funds!"

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