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Lisa Murkowski's Public Statements on Issue: Legislative Branch

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Date Title
01/20/2022 Murkowski Urges Bipartisan Approach for Voting Rights, Election Reforms, Senate Rule Changes
01/03/2021 Bipartisan Group of Senators: Voters Have Spoken, Congress Must Fulfill Responsibility
12/11/2020 U.S. Senate Passes Continuing Resolution to Fund the Government
09/09/2020 Murkowski Announces Appointment of Special Counsel
03/12/2020 Senate Confirms James Danly to be FERC Commissioner
03/09/2020 Murkowski's Statement on AEIA Cloture Vote
02/13/2020 Murkowski Votes for War Powers Resolution
01/31/2020 Murkowski's Statement on Senate Impeachment Process Vote
12/02/2019 Murkowski Welcomes Confirmation of Secretary Brouillette
11/19/2019 ENR Advances Key Nominees, 15 Bills to Full Senate
09/25/2019 Murkowski Votes to Uphold Separation of Powers
06/18/2019 Murkowski, Manchin Issue Statement on PROMESA Nominees
06/28/2017 Murkowski Statement on Commissioner Honorable's Upcoming Departure from FERC
05/10/2017 Murkowski Votes to Confirm Scott Gottlieb as the Commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration
04/27/2017 Murkowski Votes to Confirm Alexander Acosta as Labor Secretary
04/24/2017 Murkowski Votes to Confirm Sonny Perdue as Secretary of Agriculture
04/04/2017 President Trump Signs Resolution Overturning U.S. Fish and Wildlife Regulation
03/13/2017 Murkowski Votes to Confirm Seema Verma as Administrator for Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
03/02/2017 Murkowski Congratulates New Energy Secretary
03/01/2017 Murkowski Congratulates New Interior Secretary
02/10/2017 Murkowski Votes to Confirm Health and Human Services Secretary
02/09/2017 Murkowski Meets with Supreme Court Nominee
02/08/2017 Murkowski Votes to Confirm Senator Jeff Sessions as Attorney General
02/07/2017 Murkowski Statement on Senate's Confirmation of Betsy DeVos
02/01/2017 Murkowski Votes to Confirm Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State

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