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Lisa Murkowski's Public Statements on Issue: Transportation

Date Title
11/15/2021 Senators' Statement on Historic Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Being Signed into Law
11/15/2021 Senators' Statement on Historic Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Being Signed into Law
05/03/2021 Murkowski Responds to CDC's Clarified Guidelines for U.S. Cruise Industry
10/09/2020 Seward & Alaska Railroad Awarded $20 Million Grant for Port Improvements
10/02/2020 Alaska Delegation Welcomes Cross-Border Permit for Alaska-Canada Railway
09/14/2020 Alaska Delegation Welcomes $21 Million BUILD Grant for Anchorage International Airport
09/03/2020 Murkowski Joins Van Hollen, Inhofe in Bipartisan Push to Expand Aviation Workforce Training
04/15/2020 Alaska Delegation Welcomes $124 Million in CARES Act Grants for Alaska's Airports
04/02/2020 Alaska Congressional Delegation Statement on RavnAir
09/23/2019 T-HUD Appropriations Bill Approved Unanimously by Committee
04/14/2016 Murkowski: Federal Government Forcing Isolated Alaska Native Community to Live in Fear
11/05/2015 Sen. Murkowski Reiterates Support for King Cove Access Road
10/20/2015 Murkowski Commends Approval of Alaska Railroad to Transport LNG
04/18/2014 Murkowski Responds to GAO Arctic Report
11/15/2013 Murkowski: Customs and Border Patrol Decision Makes Fairbanks a Year-Round Destination
03/21/2012 Murkowski Questions TSA's Kuspuk Policy
11/03/2011 Murkowski Statement on Today's Competing Infrastructure Bills
10/21/2011 Sen. Murkowski: Roadless Ruling Hurts Alaska
08/04/2011 Murkowski Comments on FAA Agreement
07/06/2011 Murkowski Backs "Pilot's Bill of Rights"
05/26/2011 Sen. Murkowski: Roadless Settlement Handcuffs Southeast Economy
03/05/2011 Murkowski Concerned about Economic Impacts of Roadless Ruling
06/22/2010 Sen. Murkowski's Opening Statement at Electric Vehicles Hearing
02/02/2010 Murkowski on Rob Heun's Confirmation as U.S. Marshall for Alaska
07/31/2007 Hearing Of The Senate Commerce, Science And Transportation Committee; Nominations