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Lisa Murkowski's Public Statements on Issue: Health Insurance

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Date Title
06/08/2021 Portman, Kelly, Murkowski, Warren, Tester Introduce Legislation to let Children of Servicemembers Stay on Healthcare Until Age 26
03/29/2021 Cassidy, Murkowski, Hassan, Rosen Reintroduce Bipartisan, Bicameral Legislation to Give Patients Safe, Timely Access to Treatment
03/24/2021 Grassley, Colleagues Introduce Bipartisan Bill To Protect Rural Health Clinics, Ensure They Receive Appropriate Reimbursement
03/03/2021 Hassan, Murkowski, Capito Introduce Bipartisan Bill to Support Seniors and People with Disabilities Struggling with Eating Disorders
07/30/2019 Murkowski Commends Administration Efforts to Increase Hospital Price Transparency
05/16/2019 Bipartisan Senate Working Group Introduces Surprise Medical Billing Legislation
08/24/2018 Senators Introduce Legislation To Protect Americans with Pre-Existing Conditions
01/12/2017 Murkowski Takes Step Towards Repealing the "Un"-Affordable Care Act
10/09/2015 Legislation Protects Small Businesses from Increases in Health Insurance Premiums
10/02/2015 Murkowski Bill Fixes Definition of "Indian" in Affordable Care Act
09/17/2015 Alaska Senators Co-Sponsor Legislation to Repeal "Cadillac Tax"
07/24/2015 Murkowski Introduces Bill to Sustain, Expand Seniors' Access to Healthcare
01/13/2015 Murkowski Works to Get Veterans Hired, Help Alaskan Businesses Deal With Employer Mandate
01/12/2015 Murkowski Co-Sponsors Bipartisan Fight Against Health Care Bill's "Lost Wage Incentive"
03/05/2014 Murkowski: White House "Putting Politics First" with Health Care Delays
12/20/2013 Murkowski Responds to White House Health Care Flip-Flop
11/08/2013 Murkowski: Health Care Law's Full-Time Definition is "Out of Step," Risking Work Hour Cuts
11/06/2013 Murkowski Backs "If You Like Your Health Plan, You Can Keep It" Act
11/05/2013 Murkowski: "Who's On The Hook" For Health Care Law Failures?
11/05/2013 Republican Health Committee Senators Confront Administration About Obamacare Failures
10/16/2013 Murkowski Votes to Fund Government, Avoid Default
10/08/2013 Murkowski: "Break This Impasse," Fund the Government
09/27/2013 Murkowski Opposes Funding for Health Care Law
09/26/2013 Murkowski Co-Sponsors One Year Delay for Individual Mandate
05/17/2013 Murkowski Co-Sponsors "Reality Check" for Health Care Reform

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