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Marco Rubio's Public Statements on Issue: K-12 Education

Date Title
02/02/2022 Rubio, Scott, Colleagues Applaud Senate Passage of National School Choice Week Resolution
01/18/2022 Rep. Cammack & Sen. Rubio Introduce The "Keep Kids In Schools Act Of 2022"
01/11/2022 ICYMI: Rubio Joins Fox & Friends
01/10/2022 Rubio Introduces Keep Kids in Schools Act
10/15/2021 Cassidy-Led School Cybersecurity Legislation Signed Into Law
04/15/2021 Rubio and Colleagues Reintroduce Bill to Help School Districts Accommodate Students from Puerto Rico
04/15/2021 Murphy and Díaz-Balart Introduce Bipartisan Bill to Increase English-Language Instruction Funding for Florida K-12 Schools
03/18/2021 Rubio, Ernst Call for Updates on Schools' Reopening Status
03/05/2021 Rubio Leads Amendment to Get Students Back to School
02/03/2021 Rubio, Scott, and Colleagues Applaud the Senate for Passing the National School Choice Week Resolution
02/01/2021 Rubio, Johnson, Scott Introduce the Luke and Alex School Safety Act
01/29/2021 Rubio Urges Biden to "Stop Moving Goalposts" on School Reopenings
01/28/2021 During National School Choice Week, Rubio, Scott, Colleagues Reintroduce Choice Act
04/25/2018 Rubio, Colleagues Introduce Bill Leveraging Secret Service Threat Assessment Program to Improve School Safety
03/14/2017 Rubio, Durbin Push for More Accountability on Education Programs in Developing Countries
03/19/2015 Rubio, Rokita Reintroduce Educational Opportunities Act
03/11/2015 Casey, Rubio Introduce Bipartisan Computer Science Education and Jobs Act
03/11/2015 Rubio, Casey Introduce Bipartisan Computer Science Education And Jobs Act
02/13/2013 Senator Rubio Introduces Legislation To Expand School Choice