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Judy Chu's Public Statements on Issue: Civil Liberties and Civil Rights


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (CA) - District 28

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Date Title
06/08/2022 Rep. Jamaal Bowman Passed Resolution Condemning the Great Replacement Theory with Co-Leads CBC Chairwoman Beatty, CHC Chairman Ruiz, CAPAC Chairwoman Chu, Congressional LGBTQ+ Equality Caucus Chairman Cicilline, CPC Chair Jayapal, Rep. Higgins, Rep. Takano, and Rep. Raskin
04/22/2021 Rep. Chu Statement Senate Passage of Bipartisan COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act to Combat Anti-Asian Hate Crimes
02/25/2021 Rep. Chu Votes to Pass Equality Act
01/27/2021 Reps. García, Jayapal, Escobar, Ocasio-Cortez, Chu and Clarke Introduce the Roadmap to Freedom Resolution as a Visionary North Star for Immigration Reform that Finally Achieves a Humane Immigration System Focused on Respect, Dignity and Family Unity
01/20/2021 Sen. Coons, Rep. Chu applaud President Biden's Day 1 reversal of Muslim ban
06/25/2020 CAPAC Members Mark Seventh Anniversary of Shelby County v. Holder
03/17/2020 Democratic Leaders of Color: Trump's Use of "Chinese Virus" Endangers Lives
03/10/2020 McCarthy, Gosar Must Apologize for Spreading Xenophobia and Endangering Asian Americans
01/10/2020 Sen. Coons, Rep. Chu on reports that White House is considering dramatic expansion of Muslim Ban
12/06/2019 Rep. Chu Statement on Voting Rights Advancement Act of 2019
09/27/2019 Rep. Ilhan Omar and Members of Congress Urge India to Restore Communication in Kashmir
09/20/2019 Lawmakers Introduce Resolution Celebrating REACH Program
09/12/2019 Rep. Adriano Espaillat, Tri-Caucus Members File Amicus Brief Opposing Trump Administration's Public Charge Rule
09/12/2019 Rep. Chu joins amicus brief in public charge cases
07/24/2019 House Unanimously Passes PRIDE Act to Fix LGBT Discrimination in Tax Code
06/18/2019 PRIDE Act Fixes Discrimination Against LGBT Couples in Tax Code
06/14/2019 On 50th Anniversary of Stonewall Riots, Rep. Chu Introduces Refund Equality Act
05/24/2019 Rep. Fudge Cosponsors Bicameral Legislation to Safeguard Women's Reproductive Health
05/17/2019 Rep. Chu Celebrates Passage of Equality Act
03/13/2019 Rep. Chu Statement on Introduction of Equality Act
03/08/2019 Rep. Chu Statement on Passage of H.R. 1
02/14/2019 Reps. Chu and Levin Move to Update Tax Code to Include LGBT Couples
02/14/2019 On Valentine's Day, Congressman Andy Levin Introduces Bill to Affirm Dignity of LGBTQ Married Couples in the Tax Code
01/29/2019 Rep. Chu, Sen. Murphy Reintroduce Bicameral Bill to Block Muslim Ban Implementation
10/30/2018 Rep. Chu Statement on Trump Proposal to End Birthright Citizenship

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