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Darrell Issa's Public Statements on Issue: Environment


On The Ballot: Running, Republican for U.S. House (CA) - District 48

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Date Title
06/17/2021 Congressman David G. Valadao Introduces Legislation To Address Worsening California Drought
02/24/2021 Ranking Member Issa Discusses Need for Bipartisan Solution to Shortfall of Lower Court Judgeships
02/02/2021 Issa Cosponsors California Water Storage, Infrastructure Solutions Bill
02/02/2021 Issa Co-Cosponsors Legislation to Aid San Diego Water Needs
05/10/2018 Issa on House Passage of Nuclear Waste Storage Legislation
09/28/2017 Congressman Issa Meets with Mexican Ambassador on Tijuana Sewage Spills & NAFTA
09/26/2017 House Committee Holds Hearing on Solutions To Move Nuclear Waste Away From San Onofre
09/18/2017 Reps. Issa, Vargas Introduce Bipartisan Bill To Clean Up Tijuana River Valley
03/30/2017 Bipartisan Climate Caucus Reaches Thirty-Four Members from Across the Country, Evenly Split between Democrats, Republicans
12/10/2015 California Members Issue Statements on Water Negotiations
08/11/2014 Issa, Vitter: GAO Report Confirms EPA Fudges Costs of Regulations
06/13/2014 Vitter, Issa: McCarthy Must Require EPA Employees to Cooperate with IG
08/14/2013 Issa Statement on "Troubling Evidence" that EPA's Lisa Jackson Used Unofficial E-mail for Government Business
12/14/2012 Issa: Updated EPA Rule Inhibits Job Growth with Unnecessary Restriction
08/28/2012 Oversight Committee Leaders Statements on Flawed, Rushed CAFE Rule
06/28/2012 Oversight Leaders Statements on DOE Announcement of Abound Solar Bankruptcy and Loss of $70 Million in Taxpayer Loan Funds
06/25/2012 Oversight Committee Seeks EPA Clarification Over CARB's "Outsize Influence" Shaping New Heavy Truck Rules, and Apparent Contradiction of EPA Official's Testimony
01/19/2012 Oversight Committee Steps up Investigation of DOE and EPA Over Treatment of Hydraulic Fracturing
12/01/2011 Oversight Chairman Issa Calls on Obama Administration to Return Utility MACT Regulation to EPA to Complete Assessment of Impact on Jobs
10/19/2011 Vitter, Inhofe and Issa Want Proof of "Sound" Science from White House Regarding Multiple Agency Actions
09/14/2011 New Oversight Committee Report: How the Administrative State has broken President Obama's Promise of Regulatory Reform
05/11/2011 Issa Votes to End Obama's American Energy "Permitorium" in Favor of Lower Gas Prices and American Jobs
04/19/2011 Congressman McCarthy Announces Introduction of Legislation to Protect Central Valley Economy from Regulatory Overreach
04/19/2011 Darrell Issa: EPA Using "Sue and Settle" to Regulate Agricultural Job Creators
06/24/2010 Issa Presses Interior Department for Answers and Documents on Sand Berm Order and Drilling Moratorium

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