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Darrell Issa's Public Statements on Issue: Constitution


On The Ballot: Running, Republican for U.S. House (CA) - District 48

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Date Title
05/04/2016 LA Times - Close the Federal Loophole That Lets Cops Go Treasure Hunting
04/18/2016 Congressman Issa on Immigration Supreme Court Arguments Today
04/08/2016 Rep. Issa Says Senate Encryption Bill Is Flawed and Technically-Naive
03/28/2016 Rep. Issa Responds to FBI Successfully Opening iPhone in Apple/FBI Dispute
01/11/2016 Foia Oversight and Implementation Act of 2015
11/03/2015 Letter to President Mahmoud Abbas, Palestinian Authority - Violence in the West Bank and Israel
05/13/2015 Polis Joins Farenthold, Eshoo to Introduce Bipartisan Bill To Protect Free Speech On The Internet
04/29/2015 Swalwell, Issa, Sherman, Farenthold Introduce Bipartisan "Yelp" Bil
04/27/2015 Politico - House Passes Info Sharing Bill, Ball in Senate Court
02/25/2015 Fox New "Hannity" - Transcript: Jindal, Issa defend Giuliani's Obama criticism
09/22/2014 Issa Statement on IRS Official's Interview after Taking the Fifth Amendment
06/12/2014 Letter to Tom Wheeler, Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission - Broadband Conncection
05/22/2014 Issa Statement on IRS Reversal on Political Speech Rule
03/12/2014 Oversight Committee Passes Bipartisan Bills to Improve Federal Worker Savings, Whistleblower Protections
03/11/2014 Oversight Report: Lois Lerner's Role in IRS Targeting
03/02/2014 FOX "Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace" - Transcript: IRS Targeting Controversy
02/25/2014 House Adopts FOIA Oversight and Implementation Act, Will Consider Transparency Bills
02/12/2014 Letter to James Cole, Deputy Attorney General - Testimony Before the House Judiciary Committee on FISA Reform
01/29/2014 Issa Video Statement on President's State of the Union Address
01/23/2014 Letter to Barack Obama, President of the United States - Do More to Reform Federal Surveillance Programs
10/31/2013 Issa Cosponsors Bill to Rein in NSA Surveillance Programs, Increase Oversight and Protect Individuals' Privacy
05/22/2013 Letter to Honorable James M. Cole, Deputy Attorney General - AP Wiretapping
05/13/2013 CNN "The Situation Room" - Transcript - AP Wiretapping
04/26/2012 Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act
03/23/2012 Issa Introduces Draft FISMA Legislation on Madison

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