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Brian Mast's Public Statements


On The Ballot: Running, Republican for U.S. House (FL) - District 21

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Date Title
10/18/2022 Letter to Hon. Gina Raimondo, Secretary of Commerce - Sens. Rick Scott & Marco Rubio Lead Florida Delegation in Urging Commerce Department to Declare Disaster in Response to Hurricane Ian
05/17/2022 Rep. Mike Levin Introduces Bipartisan Bill to Strengthen Federal Program Protecting Lagoons and Other Estuaries
05/03/2022 Mast Statement on Draft Supreme Court Decision Overturning Roe v. Wade
04/06/2022 Schakowsky, Mast Introduce Resolution To Recognize Glioblastoma Awareness Day
03/18/2022 A note on what just happened in Tallahassee
03/07/2022 Zelenskyy Needs Your Support
03/01/2022 Mast: Joe Biden Owes America An Apology
02/15/2022 Rep. Green and Foreign Affairs Committee Republicans Commemorate Six Months Since the Fall of Kabul
02/08/2022 Rep. Baird Introduces Legislation to Prioritize Veterans' Healthcare
02/02/2022 Bishop Introduces Bill to Prevent Vaccine Passports for In-Person Voting
12/30/2021 Reps. Allen, Stefanik, Foxx, Banks, Sen. Braun Lead Opposition to Biden Vaccine Mandate in Upcoming SCOTUS Case
11/19/2021 Mast: Pelosi Taking Americans' Money to Pay for Things Americans Don't Want ADDTHIS SHARING BUTTONS
11/05/2021 Mast Statement on "Infrastructure" Boondoggle
11/04/2021 Burchett Bill Would Ban Biden's Federal Vaccine Mandate
11/01/2021 Dingell, Mast Reintroduce Forage Fish Conservation Act to Protect Marine Ecosystem and Fishing Economy
10/29/2021 On 2 Month Anniversary, Mast Releases Documentary Detailing Biden's Catastrophic Withdrawal from Afghanistan
09/21/2021 Mast: Pelosi is Maxing out the Country's Credit Card
08/26/2021 Mast Statement on the Deadly Attack at Kabul Airport
08/24/2021 Mast: Democrats Will Do Anything to Enact Their Socialist Agenda
08/18/2021 Mast, Foreign Affairs Committee Republicans Call on Biden to Continue Evacuation in Afghanistan Until All Americans, Afghan Partners Safely Out of the Country
07/12/2021 Mast: Nikki Fried Just Betrayed Florida's East Coast
01/12/2021 Statement From Congressman Brian Mast Regarding U.S. Capitol Breach
12/18/2020 Mast Statement On Congress Receiving The COVID-19 Vaccine Before The American People
12/01/2020 Rep. Bustos Welcomes Rep. Mast as New Co-Chair of Bipartisan Air Cargo Caucus for the 117th Congress
09/08/2020 Mast Statement On President Trump Extending Drilling Moratorium

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