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Devin Nunes' Public Statements on Issue: National Security

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Date Title
07/17/2019 House of Representatives Passes Intelligence Authorization Act on Strong Bipartisan Vote
06/06/2019 House Intelligence Committee Releases Report on Defense Intelligence Agency
04/18/2019 Nunes Statement on Mueller Report
05/10/2018 Nunes, Gowdy Statement on Information Request
02/09/2018 Nunes Statement on Democrat Memo
02/08/2018 FISA Memo: Everything you Need to Know
01/19/2018 President Trump Signs Section 702 Reauthorization Bill
03/05/2017 Nunes Statement on Surveillance of Political Campaigns
03/02/2017 Fitzpatrick Statement on Sessions, Russian Investigations
02/20/2017 Nunes Statement on McMaster Appointment
02/14/2017 Nunes Statement on Flynn Resignation
02/02/2017 Nunes Statement on Appointment of Gina Haspel as CIA Deputy Director
02/01/2017 Joint Task Force Statement on Inspector General CENTCOM Report
01/25/2017 Joint Statement on Progress of Bipartisan HPSCI Inquiry into Russian Active Measures
01/07/2017 Nunes Statement on Nomination of Dan Coats as DNI
01/06/2017 Nunes Statement on Cyber-Attacks Report
12/29/2016 Nunes Statement on New Actions Against Russia
12/22/2016 Intel Committee Releases Declassified Snowden Report
12/16/2016 Nunes Statement on Cyber-Attack Investigations
12/14/2016 Nunes Statement on Cancellation of Cyber-Attack Briefing
12/12/2016 Nunes Statement on Investigations of Election Cyber Attacks
12/09/2016 Nunes Statement on Russian Aggression
12/02/2016 Nunes Statement on Mattis Nomination
11/18/2016 Nunes Statement on Pompeo Nomination as CIA Director
10/28/2016 Nunes Statement on Reopening of FBI Investigation of Hillary Clinton Emails

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