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Mazie Hirono's Public Statements on Issue: Employment and Affirmative Action


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. Senate (HI) - Jr

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Date Title
07/16/2020 Cardin, Schumer, Senate Democrats Announce Historic Proposal For $350 Billion Investment In Communities Of Color
03/19/2020 Van Hollen, Colleagues Push OPM and OMB to Publish Federal Workforce Guidance, Plan for Continued Services Amid Coronavirus Response
03/12/2020 Peters Leads Bipartisan Effort to Provide Unemployment Assistance to People Unable to Work Due to Coronavirus Outbreak
03/12/2020 Rutherford Introduces Bipartisan, Bicameral COVID-19 Legislation
03/11/2020 Hirono, Cardin, Van Hollen Introduce Bill to Expand Telework Opportunities for Federal Employees
07/29/2019 Hirono, Senate Colleagues Introduce Legislation to Help Small Businesses Become ADA Compliant
07/25/2019 McEachin & Langevin Re-Introduce Legislation to Strengthen the Landmark ADA Civil Rights Law & Help More Small Businesses Become Accessible
06/27/2019 One Year Since Janus Decision, Senators Hirono, Stabenow, Whitehouse Release Report on Status of Workers' Rights
03/21/2019 Senators Hirono, Warner, Kaine, Collins, and Van Hollen Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Deliver Financial Assistance to Federal Employees Relocating for Work
10/05/2018 Hirono & Schatz Urge IRS to Reconsider Plan to Remove Lifesaving Devices from Offices in Hawaii & Other States
06/28/2018 Senate & House Democrats Introduce New Legislation to Strengthen Rights of Workers to Join Unions & Bargain Collectively
02/14/2017 Brown Leads Statement in Support of Boeing Workers
02/08/2017 Hirono Leads Pledge to Fight Unfair Trump Attacks on Federal Workers
10/31/2016 ICYMI: New Hirono Bill to Protect Workers in Hawaii's Longline Fleet
09/14/2016 Hirono Statement on AP Story about Working Conditions in Hawaii's Longline Fishing Fleet
12/11/2015 Hirono Successfully Advocates For Improvements To Veterans' Services
10/30/2015 Hirono Supports Bipartisan Budget Agreement
07/01/2014 Hirono Statement on U.S. Supreme Court Hobby Lobby Decision
04/11/2014 Hirono Announces Nearly &8.7 Million for Workforce Training
04/01/2014 Mikulski, Senate and House Democrats Along with Advocacy Groups Urge Senate Passage of Paycheck Fairness Act
02/06/2014 Senate Women Say: Raise The Minimum Wage!
01/08/2014 Hirono Commends Nomination of Chris Lu To Serve As Deputy Secretary Of The U.S. Department Of Labor
09/02/2013 Hirono Commemorates Labor Day
07/30/2013 Hirono Praises Confirmation of National Labor Relations Board Nominees
05/22/2013 Senator Hirono Votes Against Measure That Would Endanger Hawaii's Sugar Industry, Risk 800 Jobs in State

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