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Mazie Hirono's Public Statements on Issue: Military Personnel


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. Senate (HI) - Jr

Date Title
06/11/2020 Hirono Secures Authorization for Construction of Two Military Child Care Centers in Hawaii in NDAA
09/10/2019 Senators Perdue, Hirono meet with U.S. naval fleet in Hawaii
09/04/2019 Hirono Condemns Trump Administration Plan to Raid Military Funds to Build Border Wall
09/04/2019 Following Hirono & Schatz Advocacy, Secretary of the Navy Approves Creation of Naval ROTC at UH Manoa
07/31/2019 Senators Hirono, Rounds Introduce Legislation to Prepare Veterans for Professional License and Certification Exams
01/17/2019 Hirono to Continue to Serve as Top Democrat on Senate Armed Services Seapower Subcommittee
07/10/2017 Hirono Statement on Hawaii Soldier Arrested on Suspicion of Ties to ISIL
05/24/2016 Hirono, Gillibrand Renew Call To Address Military Sexual Assault
11/10/2015 Hirono Secures Hawaii Priorities in Defense Authorization, Military Construction & VA Funding Bill
07/09/2015 Hawai'i Congressional Delegation Statement on Army Resturcturing
02/12/2014 Hirono Votes to Safeguard Military Retirees
03/13/2013 Senator Hirono Listens to Victims' Stories, Questions Military Leaders During Hearings on Sexual Assault in Military
05/22/2012 Congresswoman Hirono: Mahalo to Hawaii's Maritime Workers
05/18/2012 Congresswoman Hirono Supports Passage of the 2013 National Defense Authorization Act
05/01/2012 Congresswoman Hirono Statement in Recognition of Military Appreciation Month
10/21/2011 Congresswoman Hirono Statement on the End of the Iraq War
09/16/2011 Congresswoman Hirono Statement on POW/MIA Recognition Day
05/30/2011 Statement of Congresswoman Mazie Hirono Commemorating Memorial Day