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Mazie Hirono's Public Statements on Issue: Women


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. Senate (HI) - Jr

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Date Title
05/19/2016 Sen. Booker Introduces Legislation to Protect Women's Access to Birth Control
04/12/2016 On Equal Pay Day, Hirono Leads Measure To End Gender Barriers In STEM Careers
04/06/2016 Mikulski, Senate Democrats Along with Advocacy Groups Urge Passage of Paycheck Fairness Act
09/17/2015 Mikulski, Cardin, Senate Colleagues Push to Keep Federal Workers on the Job Despite Threats of Shutdown
07/23/2015 Vitter, SBC Senators Introduce Resolution to Empower Women Entrepreneurs
07/23/2015 SBC Senators Introduce Resolution to Empower Women Entrepreneurs
06/04/2015 Shaheen Leads Senate Letter to the President: Put a Woman on the Twenty
11/18/2014 Mikulski, Stabenow Together with Bipartisan Senate Women Call on Federal Health Leaders to Prioritize Combating Women's Heart Disease
06/23/2014 Senator Hirono Celebrates the 42nd Anniversary of Title IX
04/21/2014 Gillibrand Leads Bipartisan Senate Coalition Urging White House Task Force to Adopt Key Recommendations to Combat Campus Sexual Assaults
03/05/2014 Boxer, Hirono, Sister Simone Campbell and Leaders of Faith and Women's Groups Push for Raising the Minimum Wage
11/19/2013 Grassley Continues Work for Passage of Military Justice Reform for Sexual Assault Cases
11/06/2013 Hirono Joins Bipartisan Group of Colleagues to Call for Fair Military Justice System for Sexual Assault Survivors
11/06/2013 Bipartisan Group of Senators Joined by Survivors, Retired General, Advocates Kick Off Final Two-Week Push For Creating an Independent Military Justice System - Defense Bill Expected on The Floor Before Thanksgiving
11/05/2013 Hirono, Colleagues Introduce Bipartisan Bill to Protect Military Sexual Assault Victims During 32 Proceedings
07/16/2013 Rand Paul and Ted Cruz Join Gillibrand, Boxer, Grassley Effort to Create Independent, Non-Biased Military Justice System for Victims of Sexual Assault When Defense Bill Comes to Senate Floor This Month
06/27/2013 Senate Approves Immigration Reform that Delivers Big Results for Hawaii
06/12/2013 Hirono Votes to Fight Sexual Assaults in the Military
05/16/2013 Gillibrand, Collins, Boxer, Johanns, Benishek, Gabbard, Begich, Blumenthal, Coons, Franken, Hirono, Mikulski, Pryor, Schatz, Shaheen, Rockefeller, Feinstein, Hanna, Sinema, Joined by Service Members Victimized by Sexual Assault in Announcing Bicameral Legislation Reforming Military Justice System
05/07/2013 Polis, Chu, Udall and Hirono Introduce Bill to Support Pregnant & Parenting Students
08/20/2012 Hirono Statement on Republican Todd Akin's Appalling Comments about Women & Rape
05/31/2012 CAPAC Members Denounce Attack on Reproductive Rights
06/17/2011 Six Congresswomen Write to Support Saudi Woman's Efforts to Allow Women to Drive Vehicles in Saudi Arabia
04/01/2011 Congresswoman Yvette D. Clarke Reintroduces H.R. 1319, the Global Sexual & Reproductive Health Act
09/14/2009 Congresswoman Mazie Hirono Commemorates 15TH Anniversary Of The Violence Against Women Act

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