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Mazie Hirono's Public Statements on Issue: Women


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. Senate (HI) - Jr

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Date Title
11/01/2022 Senator Smith, Colleagues Release New Report Detailing Devastating Harms Posed by State Abortion Bans
10/20/2022 Hirono, Murray, Shaheen, Warren Applaud DOD Action to Ensure Access to Reproductive Care
09/16/2022 Hirono Introduces Legislation to Reauthorize & Improve Women's Business Center Program, Enhancing Support for Local Entrepreneurs
09/07/2022 Hirono, Warren, Murray, Duckworth Applaud Landmark Abortion Access Measure for Veterans Amid Republican Attacks
08/04/2022 Hirono Introduces Bipartisan Bill to Eliminate Copays for Veterans Accessing Contraception
08/02/2022 Hirono, Colleagues Introduce Legislation to Protect Doctors From Republicans' Anti-Abortion Attacks
07/27/2022 Hirono, Colleagues Introduce Legislation to Allow Use of U.S. Foreign Assistance for Abortion Care Overseas
07/20/2022 Hirono, Markey, Duckworth Introduce Bill to Codify the Right to Contraception
07/14/2022 Hirono, Colleagues Introduce Legislation to Protect the Right to Cross State Lines to Seek Abortion Care
06/26/2022 Hirono, Colleagues Announce Effort to Pass the Right to Contraception Act, Defend Reproductive Rights from Far-Right Supreme Court Majority
06/23/2022 Hirono, Duckworth Lead Colleagues in Calling on TSA to Address Inconsistent Enforcement of Screening Processes for Breastfeeding Individuals
06/23/2022 Hirono Honors Patsy Mink at U.S. Congress Portrait Unveiling on the 50th Anniversary of Title IX
06/23/2022 On 50th Anniversary of Title IX, Hirono Blocks GOP Attempt to Advance Anti-Transgender Legislation
06/21/2022 Hirono, Wyden, Jacobs Introduce Bill to Protect Reproductive Health Data
06/08/2022 Hirono, Colleagues Unveil Bill to Expand Affordable Over-the-Counter Birth Control
06/07/2022 Bera, Murray, Hirono, Cortez Masto, Ocasio-Cortez, Pressley, Unveil Bill to Expand Affordable Over-the-Counter Birth Control
05/11/2022 Hirono Statement Following Republican Refusal to Protect Women's Reproductive Freedom
03/08/2022 On International Women's Day, Congresswoman Barbara Lee's Women and Climate Change Act Reintroduced in the U.S. Senate
03/08/2022 Senator Hirono Introduces Women and Climate Change Act of 2022
02/28/2022 Hirono Statement on Senate Republicans Blocking the Women's Health Reproduction Act
07/29/2021 Nadler & Johnson Introduce Bipartisan, Bicameral Legislation to Hold Judiciary Accountable to Workers
07/02/2021 Hirono Proposes New Investments to Improve Opportunities for Women and Minorities to Pursue STEM Careers, Reintroduces Legislation to Promote and Support Diversity in STEM Pipeline
06/23/2021 Matsui, Hirono Reintroduce Bicameral Bill To Boost Gender Equity In Education, Support Title IX
05/26/2021 Senator Menendez, Congresswoman Clark Lead Colleagues In Bicameral Reintroduction Of Reproductive Rights Are Human Rights Act
05/18/2021 Booker, Hirono, Lee, and Adams Introduce the Real Education and Access for Healthy Youth Act

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