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Jimmy Panetta's Public Statements on Issue: Veterans


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (CA) - District 19

Date Title
08/11/2022 Letter to Hon. Miguel Cardona, Secretary of Education - Rep. Mike Levin Leads Letter Urging Dept. of Education to Include VSO Employees in Loan Forgiveness Program
03/31/2020 Congressman Panetta Applauds Passage of the Student Veteran Coronavirus Response Act of 2020
03/09/2020 For Country Caucus Endorses Bipartisan Freed Vets Act
01/16/2020 Reschenthaler, McKinley, Miller, Mooney, & Panetta Introduce Bill to Ensure VA Medical Centers Provide Veterans with Safe, High-Quality Care
12/09/2019 For Country Caucus Endorses Congressman Panetta Bill to Provide Legal Services to Homeless Veterans
11/20/2019 Rep. Taylor, GWOT Veterans Take Bipartisan Run on National Mall
11/13/2019 Reps. Taylor, Panetta Introduce Vets ETA
11/12/2019 Veterans Reps. Jason Crow and Mike Gallagher Introduce Bipartisan Bill to Authorize Reserve Placement on the National Mall to Memorialize Serivcemembers of the Global War on Terrorism
07/19/2019 Representatives Houlahan Leads 50 Member Of Congress In Urging Better Breast Cancer Screening For Servicewomen & Women Veterans
07/17/2019 Congressman Panetta Introduces Legislation to Support Legal Services for Homeless Veterans
05/10/2019 Rep. Rick Crawford Cosponsors Two Bills to Ensure Disabled Veterans Aren't Penalized for Active Engagement in The Workforce
03/13/2019 Mast, Panetta Introduce Resolution Supporting Efforts to Protect U.S. Military Personnel from Malaria
02/11/2019 Reps. Panetta, Lamalfa Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Honor Families of Veterans
02/06/2019 Crenshaw, Taylor, Panetta, Luria Introduce Full Military Honors Act
01/18/2018 Westerman, Bipartisan Members of Congress Introduce Bill for Veterans Exposed to Agent Orange
06/07/2017 Dunn, Panetta Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Protect Veterans' Preference in Awarding Contracts