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Jimmy Panetta's Public Statements on Issue: Infrastructure


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (CA) - District 19

Date Title
07/27/2022 Reps. Nehls and Panetta Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Protect Law Enforcement Officers from Dangerous, Chinese-Made Body Armor
04/07/2022 Rep. Panetta Leads on Legislation to Provide Pandemic Tax Relief for Travel Businesses That Use Motorcoaches, School Buses, and Passenger Vehicles
11/05/2021 Rep. Panetta Votes to Pass the Bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act
09/15/2021 Rep. Panetta Fights for Clean Energy, Affordable Healthcare, and Tax Cuts for Working Families as House Ways and Means Committee Passes Build Back Better Provisions
09/13/2021 Reps. Speier, Eshoo, Panetta Introduce Legislation to Combat Airplane Noise
09/01/2021 Reps. Panetta, Eshoo, and Speier Introduce Legislation to Combat Airplane Noise
07/16/2021 Congressman David G. Valadao Introduces Three Amendments to Alleviate California Drought
05/26/2021 Congresssman Panetta, Senator Feinstein Introduce Bill to Reduce Wildfire Risk, Increase Preparedness
05/26/2021 New Bill Would Reduce Risk for Catastrophic Wildfires, Increase Preparedness
04/05/2021 Davis, Bipartisan Group of Lawmakers Introduce Legislation to Support Transit in Smaller Communities
02/27/2021 Congressman Panetta Supports Passage of Comprehensive Covid Relief
02/25/2021 Moolenaar Introduces the BOOST Act
02/25/2021 Bishop, Moolenaar, and Panetta Introduce Boost Act for Rural Broadband
02/09/2021 Congressman Panetta Introduces E-Bike Act to Encourage Use of Electric Bicycles and Reduce Carbon Emissions
01/28/2021 Congressman Panetta Reintroduces Legislation to Spur Development and Deployment of Zero-Emission Buses
01/26/2021 Congressman Panetta Announces $2,815,000 in Federal Funding for Pajaro Flood Risk Reduction Project
07/14/2020 Congressman Panetta Announces $20 Million CARES Act Grant for Santa Cruz Metropolitan Transit District
06/30/2020 Congressman Panetta Co-Introduces the Opportunity Starts at Home Act
06/25/2020 Congressman Jimmy Gomez, California Ways and Means Democrats Introduce the Opportunity Starts at Home Act
06/11/2020 Huffman, Thompson, Eshoo, Lofgren, Matsui, Bera, Lamalfa, Swalwell, Desaulnier, Khanna, Panetta Introduce Utility Resilience and Reliability Act
02/11/2020 Congressman Panetta Secures Federal Funding for The Pajaro River Flood Risk Reduction Project and The Santa Cruz Harbor
07/26/2019 Eshoo, Speier, Panetta Release FAA Initiative Update to Address Aircraft Noise Concerns of the Constituents of Congressional Districts 18, 14, and 20
07/25/2017 Speier, Eshoo, Panetta Release FAA Initiative Response to Address Aircraft Noise Concerns of the Constituents of Congressional Districts 14, 18 and 20