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Joshua Gottheimer's Public Statements on Issue: Taxes


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (NJ) - District 5

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Date Title
10/19/2021 Gottheimer Statement on White House Meeting with President Biden
09/24/2021 Release: Gottheimer Speaks at MTA New Jersey Public Meeting to Fight Back Against Unreasonable NYC Congestion Tax
09/17/2021 Release: New Jersey Congressional Delegation Members Fighting to Repeal the Cap on Salt Deduction, Oppose Reconciliation Unless Salt Deduction Restored
05/10/2021 Gottheimer, Lagana, Tully, Swain Announce New NJ State Proposal to Combat New York's Congestion Tax Scheme
04/21/2021 Release: Gottheimer Proposes Closing the $1 Trillion Annual Tax Gap & Targeting Tax Cheats to Pay for Salt Cap Repeal
04/15/2021 Reps. Kim, Garbarino, Gottheimer, Suozzi Announce New Bipartisan SALT Caucus to Fight for Tax Relief for Middle Class Families
04/09/2021 Gottheimer, Pascrell Join Forces to Fight New York's Congestion Taxes Targeting New Jersey Commuters
03/23/2021 Gottheimer Secures Treasury Secretary's Commitment to Address SALT Deduction Cap Hurting New Jersey Families
03/05/2021 Gottheimer Announces Bipartisan "Cameron's Law" to Restore Orphan Disease Research Tax Credit and to Find Cures for Rare Diseases
01/29/2021 Gottheimer Helps Unveil New Bipartisan Legislation to Fully Restore the Salt Deduction, Provide New Jersey Families a Tax Cut
01/29/2021 Gottheimer Helps Unveil New Bipartisan Legislation to Fully Restore the Salt Deduction, Provide New Jersey Families a Tax Cut
02/07/2020 Gottheimer Hosts Bipartisan Fifth District Mayors Summit In Washington To ConnectLocal Leaders With Federal Investment Opportunities To Help Lower Taxes
01/08/2020 Bipartisan Tech-Neutral Tax Credit to Incentivize New Clean Energy Sources, Combat Climate Change Introduced in House
07/16/2019 Sherrill and Gottheimer Lead Bipartisan Resolution to Strike Down Treasury Department Regulations Aimed at Salt
11/19/2018 Gottheimer, Pascrell, Ramsey Mayor Launch Fight to Reinstate SALT
09/25/2018 Insider NJ - Gottheimer Urges Immediate Action on New SALT Tax Cut Opportunities
09/25/2018 Gottheimer Urges Immediate Action on New Salt Tax Cut Opportunities
09/20/2018 Gottheimer, Tax Expert Slam Tax Hike Bill 2.0
08/23/2018 Gottheimer Slams Treasury for Hiking Taxes on Millions with New Rules
03/12/2018 In Wake of Storm, Gottheimer Gives Fifth District Update on 16% Increase in Clawing Back North Jersey's Tax Dollars From the Moocher States
02/15/2018 Lance, Gottheimer Meet With IRS on SALT Prepayments
01/25/2018 Gottheimer Hails Tax Cut Wins for New Jersey Families, Seniors, and Businesses
01/24/2018 Lance Gottheimer Property Tax Prepayment Bill Introduced
01/18/2018 Lance Gottheimer Property Tax Prepayment Bill Introduced

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